We meet outdoors every Thursday at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific Ave. (downtown Santa Cruz) next to the Bike Church. We meet from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM and sometimes beyond. Call beforehand to 831-423-4833 to check if we're doing a "meeting in the field" at another location.
You can call HUFF at 831-423-4833 between meetings for more information, or to pass on reports to us of interest to unhoused folks and their supporters.
You can also get updates by joining the HUFF e-mail list by e-mailing rnorse3@hotmail.com. If you wish to continue to receive those updates and haven't done so already, please e-mail us as service is likely to be restricted soon. If you wish to be removed from the list, likewise let us know, though in some cases you will need to unsubscribe at your end if you've been a longtime member.
HUFF has a facebook page which features regular advance announcements of the Bathrobespierre's net-radio show which are described in greater detail on the HUFF blog. . The page also regularly includes HUFF weekly preliminary agenda descriptions and occasional protests and updates.
HUFF can be followed on Instagram. Search for huff_santacruz there.
Food Not Bombs serves noon-3 PM Saturdays and Sundays at the Town Clock. It no longer serves on weekdays. City harassment, threats, and police pressure may require Community support to continue the meals there. Call 575-770-3377 for their latest location as the City demolishes buildings in its latest high-income gentrification efforts and simultaneous war against the visible poor. FNB also meets weekly 5-6 PM at the 612 Ocean St. and needs cooks and servers.
HUFF is primarily a civil rights organization concerned with exposing and correcting abuses by government and non-profit abuses against those outside. We have very limited resources and do more information-sharing than direct action.
To hear the most recent Bathrobespierre's Broadsides radio show (Sundays 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM, Thursdays 6-8 PM) focusing on homeless civil rights issues, go to www.freakradio.org. Free Radio is no longer broadcasting, but is going out 24 hours on the net baring occasional technical problems.
If you missed the show or want to hear recent back shows, go to... Latest Shows and Lost Shows.
Martin v. Boise decision challenges Camping Bans in 9th Circuit Court district here
HUFF is Santa Cruz's oldest and most stubbornly persistent grass roots homeless advocacy group. We make trouble for the powers that be and fight institutional human rights abuses such as the Santa Cruz's cop-initiated "Stay-Away" law (SCMC 13.08.100) which cops and rangers use to accompany harassment citations for using a park to sleep in at night (in a city with inadequate shelter)--SCMC 13.08.100 banning unhoused folks from otherwise public spaces on pain of fine and jail before any court process.
Get involved!!! Join our electronic mailing list - you'll receive meeting notices, updates about HUFF activities, press releases, information about homelessness issues and events in Santa Cruz and elsewhere, as well discuss what needs to be done to make change happen!
HUFF Blog Several times a week HUFF activists send out e-mails about local protests, homeless news in Santa Cruz and other cities, and related controversies. These e-mails are archived here, the choicest of which are highlighted in the Hot Issues section above or on the HOT ISSUES ARCHIVE above. You can comment by clicking "Leave a Reply". You can also join the HUFF e-mail list by subscribing to the HUFF Email List
Listen to Bathrobespierre's Broadsides on the nethere
The indomitable and irascible Robert Norse plays phone and on-the-street interviews with the houseless, and invites subsequent comments, information, or info at 423-4833 which is also the HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) phone line. If you get the voicemail, leave a message. Or e-mail rnorse3@hotmail.com.
Broadcast Schedule Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. and Sundays from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm often with "flashbacks" to earlier shows. Free Radio Santa Cruz has not had studio or phone access for several years, but may still be offering a reward for help finding a rentable place. Free Radio Santa Cruz has not been broadcasting on the air as well but continue to go out at freakradio.org on the net.
Call the HUFF number (831-423-4833) for info. We also are looking for a tree or second-story building to put up our antenna to return to the air. Help us to restore (mostly) uncensored Community Radio.
You don't have to be at your computer to listen if you have a smart phone. Browse for "Free Radio Santa Cruz", click on the web link, and put this up as an application. You can then hear BB show where-ever you go!
Some archives include audios on earlier homeless subjects that were aired years later. Free Radio Santa Cruz began operating in the spring of 1995. The archives of homeless interviews and related material extend as far back as 1984.
Latest shows-Use this link to find the Latest show--done after November 12, 2017 (17-11-12). For earlier shows you can't find elsewhere, scroll down on the Latest shows page to the Lost Shows section where there are links aplenty for many scattered shows across the years.
For brief descriptions of most shows in 2017 and in following years, go to the HOT, RECENT, AND LOCAL STORIES! section of this page and click on Full Blog Archive click here. Check on the right side of the Archive page under recent posts to find a (very) brief summary of the show.
To read content summaries for many shows before 17-11-12, go to the "Descriptions" link below. Many older archived shows have not yet been briefly described, but are available to hear. (see below)
Some Flashbacks (including audios of street interviews and forums before Free Radio Santa Cruz began in 1995) are embedded in later shows.
To find Descriptions of these earlier Flashbacks go to Flashback Replays Listing This listing itemizes the flashbacks and where they can be found.
HUFF is working to fight efforts by the merchants and City Council to further a police crackdown on youth, homeless and counter-culture folks downtown. In the last decade, City Council passed a variety of new laws, strengthening the anti-homeless "Downtown Ordinances". These changes gave police greater powers of selective enforcement downtown against poor and homeless people, political activists, street performers, and others. READ MORE
Street Shit Sheet Archives - Read the Street Shit Sheet Online - Issues date from 1988 through 2002 (with a few issues published intermittently thereafter) and contain many contemporary documents and articles, as well as commentary and original reporting from the street. Note: The archives are graphic scans encapsulated in PDF format (image files, not text, and thus very large), and each file includes many issues. Be patient when downloading. We've just recently rescanned the entire archive to correct problems with the original scanning process, so they're now generally in order by edition and within each issue. A complete bound set of Street Shit Sheet archives is also available in the Reserve section of the main branch (downtown) of the Santa Cruz Public Library. They are a fascinating look into one man's view of the history of homeless civil rights action in Santa Cruz County.
Street Spirit Archives - Read through some of the highlights & history of Santa Cruz homeless activism (1996-2007) in a collection of selections from past issues of The Street Spirit, a monthly sold by homeless and poor people for survival coins. Reports from other cities as well by Santa Cruz writers.
Also check out current issues and recent archives of The Street Spirit at thestreetspirit.org. back through June 2011. There are current issues as well as complete archives back to 2007, and partial archives further back.