Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Show Tonight Will Flash Back to 2007: Homies for the Homeless Protest


Title: Flashback to 2007 –Homies for the Homeless on Free Radio Santa Cruz
START DATE: Thursday October 08
TIME: 6:00 PM8:00 PM
Location Details:
Broadcasts on 101.3 FM
Streams on around 6 PM–lasting about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
No call-in’s–we have no studio! ($500 Reward if you find us one)

Show archives at

Event Type: Radio Broadcast
Contact Name Robert Norse
Email Address rnorse3 [at]
Phone Number 831-423-4833
Address 309 Cedar PMB 14B S.C. CA 95060
Free Radio Santa Cruz (101.3 FM and is still broadcasting and streaming, but since we are homeless (or studio-less), the shows are all previously recorded, and so far I’ve not yet acquired the skills to make new shows.

All is not lost, however, for here’s a show–previously aired on August 16, 2007 about a week-long campout which came to be called “Homies for the Homeless” at City Hall. It began as a one day/one night sleep-out attended by activists from Los Angeles and ended up as a week-long sleepout run by unhoused folks.

Freedom Sleepers are preparing their 14th Tuesday night sleepout for 10-13. The Homies for the Homeless sleepout of 8 years ago took place after weekly protests in front of then-Councilmember Ryan Coonerty’s Bookshop Santa Cruz.

You can also find info on line about Homies for the Homeless at

Sunday August 12th Know Yr Rights, Feed, Film, and Sleep-Out at City Hall” at

“Sir! No Sir! and Sleeping Ban Protest at City Hall” at (numerous comments follow the story)

“Trash Orchestra & “Santa Cruz Sit Ban” Video Tonight at Homeless City Hall Sleep Zone” at

I am still gathering material to broadcast some contemporary if prerecorded shows, and hope to be doing so soon.