The May 7, 2023 Show includes:
- Venice activist Peggy Lee Kennedy on the upcoming Coastal Commission hearing on Santa Cruz’s nasty OVO (Oversized Vehicle Ordinance)
- Guardian Gaea on the struggle of her Capitola Mobile Home Park fighting exorbitant rent raises
- Standfast Steve Conover on his struggle to retain communication with his beloved Michelle
- Troubleshooter Troy on suspicious official behavior around a recent hit-and-slip-away auto incident
- Description (quiet audio) of the following Flashback
The November 13, 2011 Flashback includes:
- A debate on the dangers of Smart Meters between Bob Lamonica and Josh Hart
- Occupy Santa Cruz Resistance to the Sheriff’s Department’s Removal of Tents with Lamonica, Kelly, Ayla, and Abbie Brown commenting
- More audio on tent removal resistance and debate at the Courthouse from Journeyman Carpenter Caleb, Becky Johnson,
- Casey Livinggood & Michael on Sheriff’s blocking public support/witnessing of the Tent Removal
- Denica DeLafoy, Monterey County broadcaster and supporter calling en route
- Occupy Tucson, Trent, Atlanta, & Others Wall Street solidarity demonstrations throughout the nation
To hear the complete uncut flashback as well as prior and following FRSC shows, go to