HUFFsters: If you’ve looked over the e-mails of the last week, let me know what you think. I’m wondering what we should focus on as an action this week. HUFF will, of course, be huddling Wednesday 2-4 at 11 AM at the Sub Rosa Cafe at 703 Pacific. Coffee and caffeinated tongues will flow freely!
Recent proposals for action have included a HOMELESS CLEANUP (to buff up the homeless image against anti-homeless propaganda), a PERFORMANCE PEN CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE PROTEST (outside the bracketed color zones),
I favor prep for an action around STAY-AWAY’S (perhaps a protest to the staff or Terrazas’s Public Safety Committee), a follow-up on DISABLED DISPENSATIONS on Pacific Ave. and elsewhere, and/or SMALL CLAIMS COURT publicizing around the Sleeping Ban.
Other prospects are a STRIKE 4 AT THE SCPD (demanding the release of Azua’s citations, so we can check racial categories), FINAL HOUSING FOR VETS (Becky’s proposal to unite anti-war, pro-vet, and pro-dignity-for-homeless sentiment by demanding a more local vet cemetary), SIMPLE HOUSING (some follow-up on Elisse/Raven’s proposal of last fall), VIDEO DEFENSE FOR THE HOMELESS (against violence and police harassment), VOLUNTEER OUTREACH (Major focus on getting more volunteers)… MAPPING THE MOSQUITOS I could go on and on.
If someone wants to volunteer to spearhead this (Pat has been sick), we could add Cafe HUFF to any of these.
Food Not Bombs continues to need volunteers–at its Saturday and Sunday meals 4-6 PM near the Main Post Office. HUFF fliers are there–and we need activists to sign up people for SMALL CLAIMS COURT there. As well as at the Monday Red Church meal 6-7 PM at Cedar and Lincoln. Sin Barras (the anti-prison group): Check their facebook page at
On the more “appeal to the conventional” side….A City Council meeting is coming up Tuesday 2-9. Phil Posner has a “Camp of Last Resort” forum 7 PM at Louden Nelson on Wednesday 2-4. The BEARCAT public forum (not at City Council but at Louden Nellson) is coming up 2-10 7 PM–I think. On 2-5, Brent Adams’ Warming Center Project is holding a beer benefit Thursday at 402 Ingalis St. 11:30 AM – 10 PM;
I’m also including HUFF notes from the last meeting below. These are fragmentary and rough.
11:20 a.m. Sherry, Gail, Jacks, Cal, Kip, Kevin…(Janice, Becky, David, Gail, James-in-the Rain and Elisse joined later—not everyone was there all the time)… Kip has a few ideas:KIP’S IDEAS ON THE AGENDA: PERFORMANCE PENS (at top of the Agenda)…HOMELESS CLEAN SWEEP…to counter what they’ll counter… Kevin–they let him sleep i the park, and a park worker said this good morning…Harvey West Park…he was alone…VAN CAMPING…Sherry got notice from Rainbow Gathering Hawaii–kitchen person arrested and given 24 hours…because they do’t have a permit and gathering…annual state… Cal wanted to know gender pronouns: U.S. Foresty 800-832-1355.. Say you disagree with forestry service, under constitution right to publicly assemble. Sunday night about 8 outside Grafix on Pacificc Ave…boy and a girll and non-lifethreatening inuries, both shot…hand and shoulder–bartender at Poet and Patriot…Brent and Tampico heard pop pop…
Kip notes he sees vans and paddywagon mornings… Jacks seems them on Westcliffe now where not seen …harassing street performers waiting for their hour to be up…security guards and cops, Kip notes. Trying to get people to understand…. Cal notes Peaceful Warrriors Seminar in Berkelley on the 7th…for Direct Action…. Cal did a march fromFruitville to Oakland—MLK’s speech protesting violence–Oscar Grant… FNB, HNJ, Housekeys not Handcuffs…all peace…Chris arrives.
Cal remembers police arassment: friend hanging out on a beach–druk friend arrested for prowling—2 weeks ago…
PERFORMANCE PENS: How to properly demonstrate against the ordinance…need numbers–timing is important…shows on the 8th and the 15th who will be showing up to town….Wants to see the community too come out and exercise their right to ask for things…any request for anything…a Hug is considered aggressive panhandling–statement…sign cannot have a question regarding a request.
David Silva has arrived. with Tickets book….on particular days collectively outside the box–play music, requesting things that are technically illegal to request, the more ludicrous these requests the better… If with more than one person unless you’re playing music….fliers would be good…police likely to leave it alone and enforce after the crowd hasdied down.. Not sure oof how to engage with the commuity… Instruments being confiscated…need the media…
Elisse shows up… with goodies…Spang Outside the Box Protest… FNB 4 PM on Saturday meeting…
Homeless Clean Sweep…Kip notes something to counter anti-homeless: document that nothing is changed by Stay-Away orders…mess is there, and cleaning it up… Hard to present information so that it’s very clear to the public… Follow-up to City Council…
Becky arrives.. Follow someone around with a camera….Brent said bathroom was totally clean… Getting together with environmenalists..
Elisse: 70% of the homeless born here or grown up here–removed from their homes by economic pressures. 1000 people: simple housing….for folks with debt–funded by … Becky says HUFF position is anyone moved around be given a motel voucher..
I move we do the Small Claims Court.. Becky notes show the dollar and cents stuff to compare the cost… David and Becky stopping by FNB after 5 PM…can do a 15 minute at 5:15 p.m. Janice Resolution to support Small Claims Court stuff passes…
Ellisse asked why River St. Shelter people did gates etc.–so many drugs sold on the property–they couldn’t do anything about that… Janice notes they never tried to sell drugs to her… Janice–got to stop making people its permanent clients. I propose tabling and polling out there. Cal might be interested; Elisse will think about it. Cal has no car.
12:40 p.m. Van Camping: Kip friend sleeps in her car fed up with it…. Becky says insist on a voucher if harassed… Janice: why not a public parking lot where you don’t have to move around…designated…have it in Paso Robles–public parking lots…in Los Angeles County…
Becky: HUfF position is calling for a nighttime carpark and campground.
Janice’s Concern: JD Miini Storage and 41st Ave….with them quite a few years…Loitering banned, only allowed there for 20 minutes, no-smoking areas (she lit incense), pets in vehicle, hallway and unit doors must be open at all times…Janice harassed Only she got that letter… was there in a golf cart…she was looking at her fluids, considered “working on her van…” new management…Becky: they can’t put in new conditions……got letter last Saturday…..Becky and Janice may get together if Janice looks over lease with specifics.
MHCAN Concerns–Sherry: positive people need ot be there so that outside problems in the neighborhood don’t happen…1051 Cayuga. across the street from the Fire Station on New restrictive proposals: …They’ll cut one of her days off and close off where they …people who give her occasional use permit– they were going to have a Board meeting on Monday but woman was sick…. Janice back 3 months and is still on the waiting list. Elisse wants to collect data on how many beds .
Janice 61-year old woman having problems with mechanics..
Elisse will meet with Micah on Friday–wants to start to do some organizing heself–get his opinion…wants to build a group for homeless and poor–working to organize themselves and start dialogues with people whoa re housed and willing…