The full KSCO show from 10-14-17 is available on the website at .
Read about the struggles of the SWAP (Soup Without a Permit) Team in 1988-1989 and the early days of HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom) at,%201988%20-%20February%2015th,%201989).pdf (stories on soup-snatching by police begin on p.54, issue #43 of the Street Shit Sheet.
Check out the proposed Commercial Cannabis Regulations going before tonight’s Planning Commission at . (Meeting starts at 7 PM).
Current street reports and messages can be left at 831-423-4833.
The show streams on and archives at
For info on how to act and not just listen while gentrification galooses take over the City and drive out the poor, go to the Food Not Bombs and Freedom Sleeper facebook pages. Or directly to the Main Post Office, or where ever the struggle is raging..
Volunteer to support the Homeless struggling against Dehumanization at 575-330-3377 or by meeting with folks on the street.