Some Council members (Lynn Robinson, Pamela Comstock) are suspected of planning a further fund reduction of the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center in the near future, for which this session is preparation.
Reports of recent vigilante and police violence against homeless people have been on the rise.
Jumbogumbo Joe Schultz will be providing hot tasty vegan soup at 6:45 PM outside Council chambers for any who show up. Councilmember Micah Posner stated on Free Radio yesterday he would insist on a full public comment period.
Please come and bring your accounts. Call City Council at 420-5020 to demand
(1) endorsement of AB5 (the state Homeless Bill of Rights,
(2) immediate funding of 24-hour sanitary facilities at different areas where people sleep outside
(3) trash pick-ups and sharps containers in those areas
(4) dismissal of harassment tickets of homeless people for violation of curfew and “no sitting” laws
(5) suspension of the anti-homeless laws generally(e.g. the Sleeping Ban), particularly important given the rise in vigilante violence, need for homeless to camps safely in groups and well-lighted areas
(6) immediate opening of legal places for people to carcamp or sleep.
(7) an emergency task force to quickly implement a Sanctuary Camp
Currently there is legal shelter at the Paul Lee loft for less than 50 people in a homeless population of 1500-2000. The Winter Armory Shelter closed on April 15th.
Or e-mail City Council at citycouncil@cityofsantacruz.
Interesting and actually quite apropos is the telling sentence on the first page of the Staff Report:
In order to keep the meeting to a manageable scope, the report and presentation on April 30 will not
delve into possible solutions for Council action. Should the City Council wish to engage in
that discussion, future agenda items can be scheduled.
In spite of this significant limitation, it is important that the realities of the struggle for homeless survival be made visible and public. Bringing the issue to the community is our real task.
Please bring any accounts you have of vigilante violence or police harassment.