Cooling weather as warclouds gather against the poor here in Lebanon/Gaza/etc. as HUFF warms chairs 1:30-3:30 PM at Sub Rosa Cafe 703 Pacific (next to the Bike Church). All welcome

Rough Suggestions for Additions to Loose Cannons Agenda  10-10-24

Items followed by links can be viewed “at home” or  “in the library”  Items on the  flipside of this agenda are really reminders of where we’d be going if we had the person power, time, interest, and resources.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. The meeting is run and the agenda set by Athena who usually presents her agenda items at the meeting.                                      

Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements/Reports)

++++   New Street Sheets and Street Spirits

++++   Saturday   11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Stop genocide and support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation and the apartheid system. Free all hostages and prisoners. 11 am to 12:30 pm every Saturday. Help hold up banners. More info:  call Laura at 831-247-5332.

++++   10-7 noon Courthouse Panetta visit; 6:30 Town Clock memorial; campus action on 10-7

++++   Berkeley’s Resolution: HUFF urgency update?

++++   Cooling—Thursday and for next week:  high 60s, low 70s

++++   Possible Updates on Lane letter, Housing Matters stuff, Troy and Andrea claims

++++   Shitty Council and Board of Stupes reports, if any.  SCPD Rape Inadequacy Finding.

++++   Supporting Weekend Mutual Aid: Athena’s report.                                             

Standard Stuff: Regular Check-In’s  

++++   Passarounds:  Shitty Council’s Response to Grand Jury +TBA  Handouts: TBA  

++++   Street Reports  

++++   Berkeley “Where Do We Go” Encampment Protest/Support:  

++++   Care courts—Fluff and fancy before City Council (47 minutes into media file on line)  

++++  Strategies for Resistance: Tabling at Funding Matters [FM]/Soup Kitchen  

++++  Solidarity with Resistance to On-Campus Repression of Encampments & Protest                                                         

Possible Action Items  

++++    San Francisco Cover-Up of Property Destruction:  

++++    Preliminary refutation of excuses used to destroy survival encampments locally such as the Camping Services and Standards Ordinance (“the Camping Ban”)                        

Closer Inspection: Gathering Info

++++   More on Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)

++++   Outstanding threats of upcoming raids?   Any posted notices of impending raids on existing camps?  Any court cases coming up?  

++++   Examining MC 6.36 more closely—the Camping (Standards and Services Ordinance)  Ban.                              

Usual Topics for Future Discussion: Signposts to Stop the New Narrative

++++  Stop the War Against the Poor Sweeps/Raids + Gaza Genocide Lanyards?

++++  New  Strategies for Documenting Property Loss:  Case #, Receipts, Audio recordings

++++  Cooling Center when extreme heat threatens?  Emergency gathering location

++++  Forming Specific Demands? (Stop the Sweeps, Reapportion funding to service existing camps)

++++  Govt. Reports:  (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)

++++  Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MHCAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)

++++  Future Targets:    City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission Office… City Hall…​Emeline/TelcCare/Supes   

++++   Civil Rights Groups Sue UCSC for Unlawful Campus Bans and Response to Student Protests                                 

Archived Net-Show Access: to read summaries of the shows: To hear the shows go to Descriptive Summary of Last Week’s Archived Net Shows 

October 3rd   netshow:

October 10th netshow:                             

Recent Resources & News  Recent lawsuit by California Homeless Union against Sweeps   The Poor Tour & First They Came for the Homeless San Rafael’s Justifications