Note: Agenda Ideas are simply suggestions and subject to change and addition from anyone in the group. They cover a wide range of possibilities.
- Announcements: Choice of Action Items; Timekeeper & Time Limits; Vibes Guy
- Support for Encampments & Sweeps at Louden Nelson & Coral St; Street Reports
- Following up on the Justin Cummings Outreach on Encampments, Enforcement, Rent, and Bathrooms;
- Stina Follow-Up on Peepee Bottles to City Council; Alternative Protests at Bernal, Cummings, Watkins door
- Laura’s Update on Shelter Availability & the Winter Shelter Sham
- Marcos and Winter Shelter Follow-Up: Exposing the O’Hara Narrative
- Lower Ocean Elder/Disabled Evictions: Upcoming Special Meeting
- Union of the Homeless Update–Upcoming Events
- Updates at River St. Camp, Louden Nelson Bathrooms
For HUFFsters New Street Spirits and Street Sheets now available. November Issue Available in 2 weeks
- Announcements: Including Brief Summaries of Agenda Items
- Finishing the C & A Agenda
- Union of the Homeless Proposals Around Mandatory Incarceration for Shelter or “Obligation to Shelter”
- Monitoring Campground & Shelter Conditions–Tabling at Coral St.: Another Union Proposal
- Synchronizing with SC Union of the Homeless Organizing
- Susie O’Hara Documentation
- RV Update–Re: Police Response, Vigilante Action, & Reports from Other Cities
- Scheduling Homeless Union Tabling at FNB or on Pacific