[Attachment(s)from Robert Norse included below]
It is my belief that many homeless people are in Santa Cruz jails for trivial offenses. Activists from Sin Barras have been coming to HUFF meetings for the last month. I think their events are likely to interest HUFF activists and sympathizers–hence this e-mail!
Robert Norse
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 15:54:12 -0700
Subject: Sin Barras Updates and Events
From: ashnguye@ucsc.edu
To: gailpage@earthlink.net; rnorse3@hotmail.com
Hi Gail and Robert,
This is what’s happening on the Sin Barras front. We are in the midst of:
- creating educational pamphlets/zines on the research we have done regarding the prison system in santa cruz county
- the zine will be premiered at our Art Show Fundriaser this Friday
- organizing an Abolition Art Show Fundraiser this Friday, you and friends are all welcome to come!
- all information of the event including parking is on the hyperlinked page above.
- those without a Facebook account also have access to this page
- we also have it up on our website: http://sinbarras.
wordpress.com/abolition-art- show/
- we also have it up on our website: http://sinbarras.
- programming for our April 6th Speakout + March
- communicating with Scott McDonald (Santa Cruz County Chief Probation Officer)
We have also:
- Joined Californians United for a Responsible Budget to build greater coalition
- printed flyers for the April 6th event, see attached.
We’re also coordinating ride shares for an event in San Francisco related to our work. Let us know if you’d like to join us:
- Sin Barras, California Coalition of Women Prisoners, and other ally organizations are planning to have a presence at the March 22 Hastings Law School symposium – CA Correctional Crisis: Realignment & Reform. Friday’s agenda at the symposium focuses on state prison conditions, health care and realignment. Some of the named speakers include Healthcare Receiver Clark Kelso, Mark Leno, Leland Yee and the CDCR General Counsel plus many others. This is an important way to continue to make visible the situation in the women’s prisons, especially the overcrowding and problems with health care. Here are some of our ideas:
- We will meet up at 8:30 am outside the forum with banners and posters demanding an end to overcrowding, releases and real health care to save our friends and family in prisons & jails;
- We will be making t-shirts of the same color with slogans like “overcrowding=death” and something punchy about healthcare for us all to wear;
- We are gathering volunteers who feel comfortable holding banners up inside the symposium;
- We will be bringing statements from people inside prison about the conditions/healthcare and pointed questions for volunteers to raise during Q&As or any other chances to speak;
- We will ask that all supporters stand or raise hands or fists when our organizers are reading or making statements;
- We will hand-out and collect more post-cards to give to Kelso at the event
- We welcome your comments AND participation. As one CCWP member said, it is important for Kelso (Medical Receiver) and all of those law enforcement types to see a solid block of people standing up in solidarity with all of our loved ones inside.
- Please let us know how many of you all are planning to come on the 22nd and if you have ideas to maximize our collective impact.
- For more info about the conference and to register (you must register for free in order to attend and can do so up to 3/21/13): http://events.
uchastings.edu/EventList.aspx? fromdate=9/1/2012&todate=6/28/ 2013&display=Month&type= public&eventidn=373&view= EventDetails&information_id= 1267
As for further research, we are investigating the numbers of inmates still awaiting trial and we are still desperately looking for narratives and testimonials of treatment and conditions inside Santa Cruz County Jail.
Health & Happiness,
Tash Nguyen
Health & Happiness,
Tash Nguyen
UC Santa Cruz
Urban Anthropology & Environmental Studies
Urban Anthropology & Environmental Studies
“Let’s be gentle with ourselves and each other and fierce as we fight oppression.”
– Dean Spade
Attachment(s) from Robert Norse
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