Homeless Persons Bill of Rights Hits Another Assembly Committee Tomorrow (5-15)

Subject: [OSCMediaGroup] Homeless Persons Bill of Rights: Action Needed
Much support was felt at Occupy Santa Cruz’s general assembly on Sunday, April 22, 2013, for people who are homeless in Santa Cruz County.People from the Visible Sleepers’ vigil at main Post Office plaza shared their experiences of police and ticketing and passers-by, so far. Now into day four.

They ask us for more support in terms of visiting, most especially early morning hours. Freedom said, “if you’re lonely or want company, any time, think of us.”

They literally have “no other place to be,” since getting raked out of a Pogonip sleep camp by City police.

Then, Santa Cruz Sanctuary Camp shared news of their great, fresh video created for the edification of the larger community and potential supporters. And planned community engagement goals. Brent Adams said they meet every Wednesday evening near Harvey West Park and are open to everyone who wants to help.

‘SCSanctuary …” has a FaceBook page and the video of same name, Santa Cruz Sanctuary Camp. Check it out!

Contact HUFF, (831) 423 – HUFF, to offer support if you cannot visit the sleepers directly. The have tickets and jail prospects. Where can they sleep TONITE that’s safer?

Last but maybe not least…

Homeless Persons Bill of Rights, action needed!

Keith McHenry, Becky Johnson and I shared news about Assembly Bill 5, brought by San Francisco’s Democrat Tom Ammiano. This Bill faces a Judicial Committee Tuesday.

Then, Occupy Santa Cruz’s general assembly consensed on the following position about this Bill:


We thank WRAP supporters in San Francisco for their incredible help with the bill’s outreach to homeless folks and the larger population.

We will do everything in our power to help Homeless Persons Bill of Rights to become law in California — to the extent it values and protects people who are or who become, homeless.

This Bill promises to decriminalize or neutralize many segregating rules and laws that were created (or selectively enforced) to control and ostracize homeless people.

For instance, if it passes without losing it’s teeth or guts, vehicle dwellers will be permitted to sleep in their wheeled homes 24/7, as long as they ‘behave’ and their wheels are legal. (Imagine – just like a housed adult can, now.)

The Bill also promises Hygiene Centers (water, etc.!) built to state specs a d funded by Calidornia.

If it is passed, the Lodging Law will again pertain to actual lodgers instead of the (current) opposite, and ordinances like the ugly City of Santa Cruz camping ban, 636.010, will presumably die.

I feel the Homeless Persons Bill of Rights is challenging the bigoted status quo and it’s supporters. I’m doubtful it can pass unless most of the people who are homeless find out and get behind it.

Pass it on!
On behalf of Occupy Santa Cruz and
Housing NOW! In Santa Cruz

lighthouse Linda

UPDATE FROM WRAP (Western Regional Advocacy Project) at http://wraphome.org/work/civil-rights-campaign

(Go to the WRAP website for the links)

On April 23rd AB 5 passed out of Judicairy Committee.
Check out the roll call vote!
Send your Support Letter

As we prepare for Appropriations hearing we all need to speak out once again!! We are scheduled for hearing on May 15, 2013, where we will go on suspense. We will then only have till May 24th to get off of suspense and to the full assembly before the end of this session..

We are planning a call in day in conjunction with California Hunger Day Action on May 22nd (link to flyer)

And launching a social media campaign through all of our newsletters / facebook / forums

A lot of to plug in, all geared to educating our communities and raising our voices to those who ultimately will decide our fate.


Appropriation Committee members
Full Assembly roster

Because federal responses to homelessness have been so ineffective
, a growing number of localities are using “broken windows” policing to remove homeless people from public view. These punitive measures involve gross human and civil rights violations.

This nationwide pattern has escaped civil rights protections because these ordinances are drafted very carefully to appear as if they apply equally to all people, but enforcement is very much impacted by people’s skin color, housing, economic, and mental health status.

WRAP civil rights campaign combines street outreach, documentation of civil rights violations, organizing, legal defense, and direct action.

None of us can do this alone. We must work in solidarity with one another to defend those being attacked and pressure local governments to end these discriminatory programs.  


Bill would establish rights for Conn. homeless

Posted: Apr 23, 2013 12:40 AM PDT Updated: Apr 23, 2013 12:40 AM PDT

By The Associated Press


A bill before the Connecticut General Assembly would establish a bill of rights for the state’s homeless population.

The legislation spells out how each homeless person has the right to move freely in public spaces, have equal employment opportunities, receive emergency medical care, and the ability to register to vote and vote. The bill also lists their right to a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding their private property, and to receive equal treatment by government agencies.

Each municipality would be required to post a public notice listing the bill of rights.

Advocates estimate there are close to 4,500 homeless individuals in Connecticut.

They say there’s a need for this legislation because the homeless are often ostracized, alienated and ignored.

The Planning and Development Committee is voting Tuesday on the bill.

SEE ALSO http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2013/05/02/18736269.php .