HUFF ducks between sun and shadow at the Sub Rosa Thursday May 30th at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM or so

HUFF “Loose Cannons” Suggestions for 5-30-24                                `  Standard Stuff: Procedures and Preliminaries

++++   The meeting is follows the format decided by Athena and other members  

++++   Timekeeper (10 minutes per item)  Hand-raisin’ courtesies, Chair rotation  

++++   Passarounds & Handouts: Past two resolutions +  supporting UAW strike; grants pass v. Johnson summary, flyers given out at Coral St. and Duck Pond “Soupstock” concert  

++++   Announcements: TBA                                               

Upcoming Events

++++    Continuing protest against the War in Gaza at the student encampment at Quarry Plaza

++++    Palestine Solidarity protest – support the UCSC student encampment Now at both the base of campus and the West entrance.

++++   Saturday  5-18 11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Stop genocide and support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation and the apartheid system. Free all hostages and prisoners. 11 am to 12:30 pm every Saturday. Help hold up banners. More info:  call Laura at 831-247-5332.                  

Gathering Information

++++   Coral St. Encampment Contacts and Flyer Distribution

++++   Surveillance Camera Location (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)

++++   Coral St. Pogonip, & Elsewhere: Contact Info with Survival Campers

                                          Possible Topics for Discussion

++++   UCSC Support for Anti-Genocide Encampment: Take them text of resolutions.

++++   Eyes on the Main Library Parking Lot for Police Treatment of Vehicular Refugees

++++   UCSC Contacts: Gaza Protest,  RV Camp, 2-Entrance Protests

++++   New Info on Ratner/Matt, County Homeless Czar (Accountability for $$ spent) as prep &/or End Raids/More Survival Camp Services

++++   Specific Demands? (Stop the Sweeps, Reapportion funding to service existing camps)  

++++  Reports from gov bodies (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board)  

++++  Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MHCAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)   

++++ No Rain Predicted for next 10 days  

++++ Street strategies to use if the Supreme Court overturns Martin v. Boise right to rest.                                        

Keeping Tabs: Someday Follow-Up’s  

++++  Patient Advocate George Corvalho for data on numbers of TeleCare psych holds sent out of County last year; Reiss protection against forced drugging procedures posted at TeleCare?  

++++  Updating CARE Court, Conservatorship, LPS protection weakening,   ++++  Reggie Meisler Report?  Prospects for an in-streets HUFF meeting out on Delaware  

++++  Water accessibility at survival camps, on Pacific Ave., at city Hall and elsewhere;   

++++  Public Bathrooms; London Nelson Discrimination  Open Bathrooms at Night   

++++  Target Suggestions: City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission… City Hall—City Council meets Tuesday 4-30 1 p.m.  ​/Emeline/TelcCare/Supes                                                  

If enough time and desire   

++++  Pro-Palestinian-Homeless Alliance protest info:  


                                               Delayed Net-Show Access ++++ BATHROBESPIERRE’S BROADSIDES NET-RADIO SHOW: After 6 PM Thurs & 9:30 AM Sun go to  click on date  5-23 Show:   5-26 Show:   The Flashback is to the June 30, 1995 on the life and death of Linda “the Lark” Edwards