Still meeting outside in the Courtyard; high 50’s temperatures predicted.
Meeting again slated to end fairly early 11 AM-12:30 PM– come early if you want to catch us.
Coffee, tea, kitty cookie, and carrots provided as token sustenance.
Masking optional, depending on the needs and wishes of the group.
Concerns to Consider for this week’s (3-24-22) Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Meeting
Possible Agenda Items
+++ Hell’s Trail Sweep Report. See also later tonight
+++ Anti-War Activity ? Ramped up Nuke Threat. Ukrainian homeless refugee crisis: more than 3 million growing from NATO-provoked, Russian imperialist invasion
+++ Rumors of lawsuits against City Vehicular Abuse & other police/Council illegalities
+++ San Lorenzo Park Association Paradox Hotel Children’s Playground Cleanup Saturday 3-19
+++ Shitty Council’s Homelessness Baron Larry Imwalde & City Mangler Matt Huffaker Green Light Camping Ban Enforcement
+++ Arming Those Outside with Legal & Documentary Tools to Resist the Ongoing Sweeps
+++ Planning Commission RV Ban 3-3 Vote–Threat or Menace?
+++ Berkeley Shitty Council To Move on People’s Park in “Emergency Vote”
+++ Next Steps for OVO (RV Ban) Appeal and Community Resistance: Call to Santa Cruz Cares
+++ Berkeley Survival Camp on Free Radio-on-the-Net-Santa-Cruz
+++ Support for half-assed anti-lobbying-by-Supes bill and protest-at-public-meeting shutdown by Board of Supes
+++ Alicia of the Union’s Struggle for Public Records & Justice re: RV Harassment–Phone Contact Likely
+++ Reactionary Riptide as Rental Eviction Moratorium Lifts April 1st
+++ Reports & Contacts with 1220 River St. “Transitional Encampment”; Hell’s Trail; and Armory Area
+++ Updating “Police Brutality Claim Highlights City Council Censorship” story at
+++New March Issue of Street Spirits & Street Sheets now available. Also available at UN Association HQ 903 Pacific Ave.
+++ Food Not Bombs found a kitchen; provides hot meals daily noon-3 PM at the Town Clock.
+++ Legal activist Steve Pleich offers advice to those anti-homeless citations at 10 AM-12:30 PM M-F at 903 Pacific 458-6020
+++ Footbridge Services activist Brent Adams provides tangible resources and info at 150 Felker 8-10 AM 5-7 PM Daily