HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 9-19 11 AM at the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church.
Conscience and Action will be meeting there at 10:30 AM to firm up plans for the September 25 “Bring Back the Louden Nelson Bathrooms” rally at City Hall (4 PM).
Possible action items:
- Support for the Conscience & Action rally, including follow-up and lead-up actions such as knockin on Tony Elliot’s door (the new P & R czar).
- 9th Circuit Federal Court Decision may institute Right to Rest and Sleep in Santa Cruz: Updates from Candidates Forums, Mills, and elsewhere
- Independent HUFF strategy for shifting the dialogue from Token Winter Shelter to Broad Support for Homeless Encampments
- More Mid-Summer Sidewalk Tabling, Senior Citizen Organizing, & Bathroom Bravado at Public Forums
- Publicizing City Council’s Concealed Winter Shelter Shutdown and the Implications of the Boise Court of Appeals Decision here.
- Rise of the new Salinas RV Camp.
- Charting Legislative Mischief: AB2178 to Restrict Charitable Food Giveaways, AB 1040 to “conservatorship” troublesome homeless
- Updates on Library Burial in the New Parking Garage Plan: Implications for Folks Outside; 4:30 PM Save the Farmer’s Market Rally?
- Reviewing the Candidate Cavalcade for Shitty Council: Two Proposed Homeless Forums by Councilmember Krohn versus Warming Center’s Brent Adams
- Speakers for the September 25th Rally? Individual visits asking to use the Louden Nelson bathroom, then filing complaints.
Gems from Journeywise Julie:
- https://www.theeastsiderla.
com/2018/09/echo-park-library- branch-lot-could-become-safe- parking-site-for-the-homeless/ Safe Parking in East L.A.? -
salinas-poised-to-declare- shelter-crisis/796595294 A “Crisis” in Salinas–lots of PR for Funding, no shelter for real folks. -
newsitems/2018/09/16/18817548. php Chief Mills Ducks and Weaves When Facing Sustained Questions About the Sleeping Ban. - Read the Big News Boise decision page by page:
federal/appellate-courts/ca9/ 15-35845/15-35845-2018-09-04. html
- Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs, the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
- Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz on facebook at
HomelessOutsideSantaCruz/ for updates. - Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at
cruz/ - Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
- Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
- Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at 101.3 FM and every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
- Hear archived shows at
Lostshows.html .