HUFF provides Xmas cheer and bad news at its Thursday December 19th 1:30-3:30 PM Meeting at the Sub Rosa 703 Pacific next to the beloved Bike Church

HUFF Ruf Agenda & Resources Suggestions 12-19-24

Lots of “Homeless” labeled events coming up this week in the usual performative rush to avoid guilty feelings in the Xmas season.

Items followed by underlined on-line links are for on-line and background reading.   Many others are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them.                                      

Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Meeting etiquette: raise hands, stacker, time keeper

++++   Google number to report for filing raids, property loss, other abuses  216-8239
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s Tips:  Ruf Copy for Next Meeting?

++++   Berkeley Where Do We Go?  Any Updates?

++++   Reports on the sweeps at Coral St., under the Soquel Bridge, along Coral St., at Library, and elsewhere…?

++++   New Street Spirits available.  Also at   Hard Copies of both also available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit  local stories & news accounts or post on

++++   Friday Dec. 20 City’s Memorial: 10- 11:30 AM Portuguese Hall 216 Harvey West Park #2136  Info: Joey 454-2080

++++   Friday Dec. 20 6 PM—10 PM  Rumored party open to all at London Nelson Ctr.

++++   Saturday Dec. 21 HUFF/Union/FNB Memorial  4 PM Town Clock (rain predicted, bundle up_

++++   Wednesday December 25 Xmas meal 11 AM-2 PM  Vets Hall

++++   Saturday Dec 21  11 AM-12:30 PM Ocean and Water  Stop genocide and support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza now. No more tax dollars for Israel. End the occupation and the apartheid system. Free all hostages and prisoners. 11 am to 12:30 pm every Saturday. Help hold up banners. More info:  call Laura at 831-247-5332.

++++  U.S. Out:  Thursdays 3:30 to 4:30 pm  Morrisey Blvd overpass over hiway 1

++++  U.S. Out:  Tuesdays 4-5 at Mission & Lauren at base of UCSC with banners/signs 415-954-2763    

++++  Chilly rain possible Saturday 12-21 and Wednesday 12-25 (Merry Xmas to water-soaked refugees!)

++++  The usual crowded often full non-emergency winter shelter when temps drop below 38 degrees or two days rain run by “People First” + Brent’s Warming Wednesdays 12-3 PM at 150 Felker St.

++++   On-Line Santa Cruz Free Guide outdated                                        

Standard Stuff: Regular Check-In’s  

++++   Passarounds:  Vallejo Handouts: City’s Memorial Notice, Outdated “Free” Guide, recent HUFF flyers+ more  

++++    Street Reports: Threats of Sweeps?  Posted Notices?  Uncomfortable encounters   

++++    Seeking Info & Contacts: Tabling Prospects for [FM]/Soup Kitchen/ Outside Salva Army Breakfast/Emeline/Court  

++++    Solidarity with Resistance to On-Campus Repression of Encampments & Protest—Developments?  

++++    Napa:   

     Older Stores for Ambitious Readers with access to Computers  

++++   San Francisco:    

++++   Fresno: Vallejo Background from 2021:  Eviction Sweeps in November 2024:  Chatting with the Sweepster Boss:   Vallejo’s Homeless File a Lawsuit:

++++     Visalia’s excuse for sweeps ?:

++++     Fresno: Way More Arrests than Treatment

++++   San Rafael: Lawsuit forces token costly tent program:

Possible Future Action Items

++++   Scheduling and strategy for confronting officials at Public events  ++++   Next Shitty Council meeting—Tuesday, December 10th  

++++   Volunteer for connecting with  Visalia, Fresno, Vallejo, San Rafael activists  

++++   San Francisco Cover-Up of Property Destruction:  

++++    Preliminary refutation of excuses used to destroy survival encampments locally such as the Camping Services and Standards Ordinance (“the Camping Ban”)                                                      

++++   Spying Back on Surveillance Camera Location yet (thru direct inquiry, observation, and public records)

++++   Tracking court cases?

++++   Armory/1220 Expedition to check out Athena’s Asks; any new info? ++++  Exposing MC 6.36 and other sweep pretexts: Documenting the Deception                                  

Setting Up  Signposts to Stop the Nasty New Narrative/Tasks in Search of Takers

++++  Stop the War Against the Poor Sweeps/Raids + Gaza Genocide Lanyards?

++++  New  Strategies for Documenting Property Loss:  Case #, Receipts, Audio recordings


++++  Focused Demands? (Stop the Sweeps, Reapportion funding to service existing camps; Walk-in Shelter)

++++  Govt. Reports:  (City Council, Board of Supes, Mental Health Advisory Board) ++++  Incidents from PovertyPimp Palaces (Housing Matters, Armory) & Service Agencies (MHCAN, Grey Bears, FNB, etc.)

++++  Future Targets:    City Mangler’s office…Police Station…Coastal Commission Office… City Hall…​Emeline/TelcCare/Supes   

++++   Civil Rights Groups Sue UCSC for Unlawful Campus Bans and Response to Student Protests                                 

Archived Net-Show Access and older Rough Agendas: To read summaries of the shows and past rough agendas go to: To hear the shows go to                                        

Still Older  Resources & News