HUFF settles into slumber: NO MEETING TODAY (10-18) Next regularly scheduled meeting 11 AM 11-1-17 ? Wednesday at the Sub Rosa Cafe

The usual Sub Rosa Cafe 11 AM meeting today (Wednesday October 11) is cancelled, as is next week’s.   HUFF has gone onto a bi-weekly schedule with the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday November 1st. at 703 Pacific.   This decision was made to accommodate Monterey County activists currently fighting the Lapis Road Residential Vehicle Homeowner Struggle.    Tune in for Lapis Road updates tomorrow 6:30 PM at 101.3 FM (also on the 6-8 PM Bathrobepierre’s Broadsides show.

Portland, OR is reportedly moving incrementally out of the Middle Ages by allow limited RV survival sleeping–IF folks can find a private property owner willing–always the problem. Check out

Also up for analysis, discussion, and critiquing will be the latest actions of SCPD Chief Andy Mills and his no Camping tickets 9 PM-6 AM “unless there is a complaint by someone in control of that property or some other crime or nuisance behavior is taking place.”

See latest Mills and mainstream media statements at and

There is some commentary on-line in the generally reactionary Disqis section of the two articles above as well as at .

“Trollbuster” (i.e. anti-homeless abuser) sentiment is being mouthed freely on line and may be a precursor to violent actions.  Please report any problems at 423-4833 (the HUFF line).

Politician and polemicist Steve Pleich gives a partial update on the upsurge of anti-homeless laws and policies in Santa Cruz spearheaded by City Manager Martin Bernal at (“Community Remains in the “Shadow of Bell v. Boise”.  His local ACLU (where Steve is vice-Chair), however, rather than take stronger stands covers its relative docility by claiming it “must wait for an okay” from the Northern California ACLU.  His Chairmanship of the Board of MHCAN (Mental Health Clients Network) has been marked by secrecy, backroom dealing, and ultimately a failure to protect the previous powers of that organization with the food bank eliminated, a security guard now required, and public hearings put off a year.

Pleich is also working with activist Phil Posner on establishing an identified legal sleeping and storage zone–the Depot idea proposed 2 years ago.

Meanwhile, activist Brent Adams continues to provide occasional local video updates on the abiilty of the houseless to organize their own encampments at    If you can get past the perennial advertising of his (worthy but over-hyped) programs and his frequent hostility to other activists, Brent’s work is considerable and significant.

Those who want to sell hard copies of Street Spirit, the homeless newspaper distributed throughout northern California can get copies at the Sub Rosa Cafe or by contacting HUFF  at 831-423-4833.

We have few if any reports of police and ranger use of the newly expanded Stay-Away law.  Its selective enforcement powers  are described at (“Stacked Deck Stay-Away Law Expansion Promises More Pain for Poor Outside“)   The SCPD has readied Public Records that document the use of this abusive process for the last 9 months as has Parks and Recreation–after much prompting.   Help HUFF document this wretched record.

Fight the Stay-Away orders as they are individually levied on homeless folks contact Food Not Bombs  or HUFF  (numbers below).  Let these folks know if you or anyone you know has recently been given a Stay-Away order along with an Infraction ticket, particularly if it’s for longer than 24 hours (or 72 hours after October 12th when the new expanded law goes into effect).

Also please report conditions in San Lorenzo Park, around the Post Office, and along the Coral St. sidewalk where numerous nightly encampments have grown.

The supposed “liberal” Mills policy means little if police and rangers are ticketing sleepers for “other crimes” on public property such as being in a park after dark, smoking, blocking the sidewalk, lodging, trespass, etc.

If you abhor meetings and wish to work on Public Records, Help compile accounts of Police/Ranger abuses and/or Assist in getting interviews for Free Radio broadcasts or You-Tube Postings, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833.

Activists around Food Not Bombs and the Freedom Sleepers are also looking for help gathering volunteers for the support meals on Saturday & Sunday as well as folks who want to help homeless harassed with citations for Being Visibly Homeless.  Contact them at 575-770-3377.  Or go on line to the facebook page of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs.

FNB activists fear an upsurge of pressure against the downtown meals near the post office as follow up to last Friday morning’s “coaxed removal” of the Post Office homeless encampment.   Sign up to support their Emergency Response Network by contacting them through Facebook or in person at the Saturday and Sunday meals.