In the wake of the Chico Injunction Victory and a new lawsuit against the Mountain View RV Parking Ban, Santa Cruz Survival Camps in the Benchlands remain in the tender arms of a hostile City Manager and government.
Continue to Organize for pre-emptive pressure on the City with Resistance strategies and support for unhoused through Santa Cruz at these and other meetings:
PUSH Film master-of-ceremonied by Keith McHenry of Food Not Bombs 7:30 PM 7-14 Tabbycat Cafe Union and Cedar; Organize against the Dark Building Buy-Up.
City-organized Benchlands meeting 6 PM 7-14 mid-Benchlands; Santa Cruz Homeless Union Camp meeting 5 PM 7-15 Tables between Benchlands and Courthouse.
Tune in for ongoing reports netcasted on Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 6 PM Thursdays on and 9:30 AM-3 PM Sundays. Shows archived at Likely updates from San Diego, Berkeley, Sausalito, San Rafael, and elsewhere.
Read encouraging words defending the Chico survival camps and unhoused folks at (“The Chico Decision-Hope for the Homeless in Santa Cruz”).
Action Against Homes-on-Wheels Removal in Mountain View: