Sip coffee and stumble through a stuffed agenda involving items like those listed below.
HUFF Meeting Prospects 4-6-23
++++ Priorities, Pass-Arounds, Placeholder Runthrough & Hand-Outs
++++ Street reports; Encampment and Shelter Updates
++++ Further 3-28 City Council Review: Consent Agenda White-out on input, debate, and final vote even for items taken off agenda; Brown’s new day-before “requirement”
++++ Capitola landlord cracks down on Mobile Home owner/tenants: update?
++++ 3-30 Sheriff’s Office 5200 Soquel Ave 6-7:30 PM “A Community Discussion Concerning Safety in Santa Cruz” with Mayor “Fast Lane” Fred Keeley; Top Cop “Bust the Breadgivers” Bernie Escalante, “Friendly Fascism” Phil Kramer of Housing Smatters & other “Hide the Hungry” Povertycrats : Possible Report.
++++ April 1st Protest of Fools—the Housing Smatters March and Festival: Report from the March
++++ Keith McHenry phone call and update.
++++ Reggie Meisler—Call and Update: archived on FRSC at
++++ Legislative updates on AB 920 (prohibiting discrimination based on housing status); SB 31 making it illegal to sit, lie, or camp within 1000′ 0f a daycare center, library, park or school; SB 47 expanding definition of “gravely disabled’ in Lanterman Petris (LPS) Act, making it easier to enforce involuntary and forced drugging and other “treatments”.
++++ Shelter ShutOut of Last Weeks and the next Weeks
++++ RV Victory: the Removal of Signs in the Coastal Zone: What Next? Meisler at City Council; Parking Authority on the Run? Meisler call. FRSC show archived at [110 minutes into the audio file]
++++ The disappearing Petition to restore Portapotty & Hand washing stations in dispersed survival camps; Ratner/Huffaker Visit. Follow-Up?
++++ Organizing to push Martin v. Boise pro per lawsuit activity using Robbie Powelson’s paper trail
++++ Placeholder Reminders: Free Guide Verification, Mad Power Monitoring, Ticket Documenting, Board of Stupes, City’s Token Vehicular Lodging Programs…
A Reminder: Food Not Bombs is now serving only on the weekends noon-3 PM; St. Francis may not yet be providing weekday indoor meals, only handing out meager bag lunches.
The City has still not released Public Records documenting its attack on Food Not Bombs food servers on March 10th at City Hall. On April 3, the City Records Dept. announced it was delaying a response to the March 23rd Public Record Act demand on the police attack to April 17th.
No meaningful downtown walk-in shelter is available downtown during the day regardless of life-threatening weather. Harassment of survival sleepers in public parking lots and garages continues.
City of Santa Cruz – 831-420-5010 Mayor Fred Keeley – City Manager Matt Huffaker – Police Chief Bernie Escalante –
If anyone is interested in working on HUFF projects around local treatment of the “mentally ill”, recent arrests and tickets for unhoused
folks in public places,, organizing for legal or direct action protest against the exclusion of those outside from protective buildings
during storms or any other items on recent HUFF agendas, please contact me at 831-423-4833.