HUFF [Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom] will meet Wednesday, 3-21-18 at The Bagelry (320 Cedar St.).
Sub Rosa, our normal meeting place, will be closed, and the rainy weather makes meeting outside difficult.
On the agenda:
- Reviewing Chief Andy Mills new “Community Policing” program, reviewed Tuesday night 3-20 7 PM at the City Council at City Hall. The 184 page report–which makes little or no mention of the massive anti-homeless expenditures–is available along with other documents at http://scsire. mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=1074& doctype=AGENDA - Latest reports on folks lodging at the River St. (barbed wire Boneyard “no walk-in’s”) campground with possible tabling to gather concerns, complaints, and compliments
- Review of SCPD stats of citations and arrests for the last month
- Fencing around Laurel St. Park and other anti-homeless activities
- Updates from Venice, Monterey County, Manteca, Marysville, Santa Ana, and elsewhere
search/top/?q=Homeless% 20Outside%20in%20Santa%20Cruz -
federal-judge-expands-oc- homeless-housing-to-include- longtime-santa-ana-civic- center-camp/
- Support the Warming Center, Food Not Bombs, HUFF and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
- Back up homeless efforts to organize either as in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
- Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
This e-mail is the opinion of HUFF and does not necessarily represent the views of Food Not Bombs or the Warming Center.