Chilly Comfort in the Winter of 2018
- More Ducking & Dodging from the 12-11 City Council; More Outrage from the Audience.
- “Big Drum” Brent’s Updates and Advice on Safe Car Camping
- City Council’s Sell-Out of the Downtown to Developers
- Words in the Wind from Salinas’s Wes White
Flashback to Activist Response to another “Progressive Victory and Stall” on December 20, 1998
- Chaz, Constanza, and Dennis Reim expose police harassment in Dec 7th Wintertalk
- FCC attacks on an earlier more vibrant Free Radio Santa Cruz
- “Tuf-Love” Laura Tucker and “Lighthouse Linda” Lemaster recall “Linda the Lark” Edwards Heroism in 1993 and “Progresive” prospects of the new City Council
- “Bashful” Bernard Klitzner on “Don’t Sleep Night”
- “Crossroads” Chris Brozda on his Van Seizure after 70 Days in Jail
- “Down for the Struggle” Donna Deiss’s Santa Cruz Tenants Union (TRUSC) report
- “Jackhammer” John Vance’s Update from Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley
- (Hard to Hear) Testimony at the Shitty Council in late November 1998
- “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson’s Homeless Community Resource Center
- HUFF Xmas Songs santa-Cruz style from 1998….
The December 20, 1998 shows are currently archived on the HUFF website, go to http://huffsantacruz.org/
Ripples from the Roadway
- Token Mobile Showers in San Jose, But Zilch in Santa Cruz: https://www.mercurynews.com/
2018/12/14/wish-book-2018- project-wehope-provides-a-hot- shower-and-dignity-for-the- bay-areas-most-vulnerable/ - Exposing the Underpants of the Berkeley Mayor: http://berkeleydailyplanet.
com/issue/2018-11-30/article/ 47226?headline=Let-s-All-Run- Against-Jesse–Carol-Denney- - L.A. Lawmen Loot the Boise-Martin Decision with an anti-RV Workaround: https://la.curbed.com/2018/12/
10/18134697/los-angeles- overnight-parking-living-in- car-ban - Carol Denney’s Berkeley Christmas–Pretty, Poignant, and Painful in Song and Picture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- Donate to Existing Homeless Encampments, not Poverty-Pimp Posturers Winter Survival Demands Blankets, Water, Tarps, Portapotties & Trash Pick-Up’s
- Support the Downtown Santa Cruz Bathroom Task Force, Food Not Bombs, the Warming Center’s 24 Hour Storage Program, HUFF, Conscience and Action, Monterey County Homeless Advocates, and other activists in documenting, providing resources, & publicizing the situation.
- Check out Homeless Outside in Santa Cruz on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/
HomelessOutsideSantaCruz/ for updates. - Read Updates and Post Them on Santa Cruz Indymedia at https://www.indybay.org/santa-
cruz/ - Back up homeless efforts to organize either in protest or to demand adequate and accessible facilities.
- Exchange information with other supporters there to generate more communication and better solutions in the future.
- Listen in to Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides at freakradio.org every Thursday 6-8 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM- 3 PM
- Hear archived shows at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/
Lostshows.html . - If you must, expropriate items from chain stores. Don’t steal from vulnerable fellow homeless!