Tasty Survival Soup

Chow Down with Tasty Survival Soup

Compliments of Jumbogumbo Joe Schultz of India Joze Restaurant

Tuesday 7 PM December 11th

Outside City Council Chambers 809 Center St.

Last Council Meeting of the Year Ignores Winter Shelter Emergency

Wander inside as the Old City Council pats itself on the back and the New City Council makes speeches and takes office. The Councilthen adjournsto warm beds until January 8th, leaving 90% of the homeless community without shelter and illegal if they make it themselves.

Pamela Comstock, Cynthia Mathews, and Micah Posner take office replacing Katherine Beiers, Tony Madrigal, and Ryan Coonerty during the evening session of City Council.

8-8:30 PM (time uncertain)

Civic Auditorium 307 Church St.

Schmooze with shady politicians & mangling media

Share coffee & snacks across the street in the Civic

Fight the Crackdown, Ticketing, & Property Seizures

Demand A Ceasefire in the Winter War Against the Homeless Community

Demand ACTION to increase shelter this winter, let homeless people legally shelter themselves somewhere, provide legal overnight park-and-sleep places for those in vehicles, and rein in abusive police officers and vigilante attacks.

When the Council takes NO ACTION…

Organize independently for survival and self-defense.

Don’t roll over for brutality and bigotry!

Bring Sleeping Bags, Blankets, Cameras, and Friends.


Flier by Norse of HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) 423-4833 www.huffsantacruz.org 309 Cedar PMB #14B S.C. 12-6-12

See also “Taste the Tedium & Terror Tuesday” at
