Cause I’ll be away and unable to post on or near the day of the show, here’s a description of the three next upcoming Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Shows at 101.3 FM, streaming at These shows are largely Flashbacks.
Thursday June 8: 6-4-17 Interview on new Harassment at Food Not Bombs 7-17-10 Flashback debate on PeaceCamp2010 and the Sleeping Ban with Ed Frey, Curbhugger Chris, Lighthouse Linda, and Bathrobespierre Robert as well as then-Mayor Mike Rotkin.
Sunday June 11: 6-21-96 Flashback show featuring Becky Johnson interviewing Bathrobespierre Robert in Jail in S.F. and the 2-21-13 show featuring Emily Agur on Destruction of Needle Exchange in Santa Cruz as well as Penelope Jernberg.
Thursday June 15: 5-30-13 Flashback show featuring Lighthouse Linda Lemaster, Tuflove Laura Tucker, Visionsong Valerie, Wellwisher Jim Weller, and the latest anti-homeless laws banning peaceful signing on medians, establishing cop-initiated 24-hour Stay-Away’s from “parks”, and other anti-poor obscenities.