The show also streams tonight at 6 p.m. at It will archive in the near future under Lost Shows on the HUFF website at Lostshows.html. Look for “Latest Show – 9/13/2018 Thursday, September 13, 2018 – Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides.”
On the show:
- Katzenjammer Keith McHenry reports on the upcoming Rovics benefit, the last Council meeting, the likely FNB-hostile state law, and more!
- City Council Shanagans from Last Tuesday–Repressive Recording Restrictions, the Nora Hochman arrest, Backtalking Landlord Enabling
- Red Church Rumblings
Rumblings from Bathrobespierre Robert’s Netsurfing:
- Backing Down the Flyer Filchers: http://berkeleydailyplanet.
com/issue/2018-09-07/article/ 47001?headline=An-Open-Letter- to-the-Berkeley-City-Council- and-City-Manager—Carol- Denney - Before the Boise Decision: http://berkeleydailyplanet.
com/issue/2018-09-07/article/ 47009?headline=The- Constitutionality-of-Homeless- Encampments–From-and-only-as- editor-by-Steve-Martinot - A Modest Proposal for Berkeley: http://berkeleydailyplanet.
com/issue/2018-09-07/article/ 47002?headline=An-Idea-for- Berkeley-Hiding-in-Plain- Sight–Carol-Denney - Eugene, OR Police “Interpret” the Boise Decision :
v=0in_3P_S5zU - L.A. Mandarins Respond to the Boise Ruling:
lanow/la-me-ln-sleeping-ban- 20180905-story.html