Free Radio Santa Cruz is waiting with $300 for info leading to a 10′ X 10′ studio space with bathroom, internet, and electrical access–either indoors or out (we’ll build a structure). We’re also seeking a transmitter space where we can put up an antenna–a backyard, a multistory home, a high tree–help us spread the word. Help us so we can help you!
Tonight’s show streams at and archives at Lostshows.html
Additional archives of the two Drew Glover meetings will be posted at Lostshows.html soon.
On today’s show:
- David Scheider’s account of police pounding and problems
- Jacqueline on SCPD seizure of her stolen tent–the perils of groundsleeping outside a car
- “Scope it Out” Scott Graham Joins Bathrobespierre Robert to Analyze the Smoke-and-Mirrors Behind the Attacks on Drew Glover and Chris Krohn
- Examining Glover’s Pre-Council Agenda Examination of 8-23
- (Full Audio Available at
Lostshows.html )
- Varied Voices from the Sidewalk at the Saturday Food Not Bombs Meal
- Dreamcatcher denounces Elder Abuse through the Bathroom Barricade at Louden Nelson
- Controversy over a Report of Rape Near Louden Nelson
Flashback to Unarchived Interviews from December 14, 1997
- Officer Christian Le Moss roughs up a bicyclist Zapruder for not having a bike license; witnessed by Damon Brewer
- More accounts of homeless bikerider busting by the SCPD: Matt, Gottum,
- A younger Katzenjammer Keith McHenry on San Francisco Bathroom Brouhaha, the Leonard
Peltier case, and more. Bobby Castillo joins him.
- Stormin’ Norman on Landlord Feudalism in Santa Cruz
- Donna Deiss of the Tenants Rights Union of Santa Cruz
- Ken on the Shooting of Happy John Dine
- Ken Holm on SCPD Harassment of Feed the People activist Sean Alemi
Info and Inspiration from Here and There:
- Jessica York Joins the Smear Squad: https://www.santacruzsentinel.
com/2019/08/21/santa-cruz- leaders-conduct-investigation- reveals-wrong-doing/ - Kessler Kicks Back at the Mathews Machine to Mangle the Library: https://www.santacruzsentinel.
com/2019/08/24/instead-of-an- interview-with-cynthia- mathews-stephen-kessler/
- Smash the Shitter Stalemate at Louden Nelson by Raising a Stink at City Council 7:30 PM Tuesday 8-27