Bathrooms Open Now! Petition


             For nearly a year and a half, the City’s Parks and Recreation Department has refused to restore bathroom use at Louden (London) Nelson Center to the General Public.  On Tuesday night, the matter will be on City Council perhaps for a vote with discussion starting at 7:30 PM.   E-Mail City Council at to demand return of these bathrooms as well as others to full use.    The swing vote here is like to be Vice-Mayor Justin Cummings.  E-mail him at .
              On September 3 at 1:30 PM at Louden Nelson there will be a direct action to require city bureaucrats to reopen the bathrooms there.  Join us there if City Council continues to support the foolish and bigoted policy there, which is a thinly disguised anti-homeless policy in no way justified by real stats about bathroom problems.
             Unless you let me know (at by Sunday morning, I shall assume you have no opposition to HUFF’s adding it’s name to the petition below being circulated by Rabbi Phil Posner of Conscience and Action.

Robert Norse


“I’m 81 and homeless,” she said, standing before our City Council. “And at night I have no place to pee or defecate. I’m here asking for your help!”

I have a prostate problem,” he said, “and sometimes I pee in my pants.”

Petition SC City Council regarding Insufficient Public Bathrooms

HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) along with other interested individuals, congregations and organizations is concerned with the lack of bathroom facilities available for the public and the homeless in Santa Cruz.  We hereby petition our Santa Cruz City Council to direct the Parks and Recreation Dept. and other relevant city departments to:

Open more bathrooms, or 24 hour Porta Pottys in Santa Cruz; and, or allow concerned individuals or organizations to receive permits to place Porta Pottys where needed, as for example at Louden Center where the public bathroom is currently closed after 1:30 pm, and City Hall which is always closed to the public except during Council meetings.

In making this appeal to our City Council, Conscience and Action, HUFF, and Food not Bombs, as they have previously indicated stand ready to meet with City Officials to help facilitate the above action/petition.

As of 8/22/19 the following organizations have agreed to sign this petition:

ACLU – Santa Cruz County (8/21/19)

Association of Faith Communities of Santa Cruz. (8/20/19)

Avatar Imports, LLC 814 Pacific Ave (8/18/19)

Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal of Santa Cruz, Social Action Committee (8/20/19)

Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal of Santa Cruz (Board vote to be confirmed on 9/13/19))

Conscience and Action (8/14/19)

Cross Roads 811 Pacific Ave (8/21/19)

Food Not Bombs of Santa Cruz (8/14/19)

Homeless United for Freedom and Friendship – HUFF (8/21/19)

Pipeline 818 Pacific Ave (8/21/19)

Retro Paradise 1010 Pacific Ave (8/21/19)

The Starving Magician 1003 Pacific Ave (8/21/19)

Veterans For Peace Chapter 11 of Santa Cruz (8/21/19)

2 thoughts on “Bathrooms Open Now! Petition

  1. This is cruel. Allowing access to all people in a public space should not even be an issue.

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