Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides 9-18-22 streams and will archive at 9:30 AM-3 PM Reminder: Benchlands Witnessing & Support for Resistance on “Phase Two” Removal 9 AM Monday 9-19; Flashback to September 10, 1998

To join, support, or witness the Resistance to the elimination of a functioning community check in at Food Not Bombs meals or go directly to the Benchlands.  You may also get more info through the Union of the Homeless at 831-431-7766.   The deadline for the latest (Phase 2] eviction is Monday noon.  Show up tomorrow morning with friends, photo-ready equipment, and vehicles if you have them to help those who wish to move, and support those who plan to stay.

For a description of the current show which consists largely of a 1998 Flashback, go to  later today.

You can hear the current show and earlier ones archived at
Http:// after 9:30 AM today.  Check the “Latest” link under the Bathrobespierre’s Broadside section of .

Brief written descriptions of many shows (so you know what you are getting into) are posted at
FLASHBACK to September 10, 1998:

  • Charlie of San Jose Food Not Bombs describes the homeless struggle in St. James park.
  • Co-Host Chaz, the Fidget Guy, street eyes and speak-up voice.
  • Berkeley’s Jolly Roger Comedy Troupe radio skits when Satire was in Flower.
  • Interviewing a FootCrime ticket.
  • Skidmark Bob on overactive police behavior
  • V-Man updates on the Berkeley City Council’s Support for Berkeley Free Radio, describes the violent police raid on the Campbell St. Free Radio Collective
  • Lloyd Lawrence gives a painful minute-by-minute of a cop banging on his RV to interrupt a cancer treatment.
  • Jean–copcrap in front of the downtown Cookie Company

BENCHLANDS RESISTANCE sponsored by SANTA CRUZ HOMELESS UNION, FOOD NOT BOMBS  [FNB] , and HUFF  will meet again at a time and place TBA.  Contact FNB [575-770-3377] or the Union for more info. 

In the past, SANTA CRUZ SHITTY COUNCIL  refused to fund or even permit independent low-barrier agreement or transitional camps, nor to fund FNB  or the Footbridge Services Program.  In August  it transferred $1 million in state funding for the Coral St. Safe Sleeping Program to “Benchlands Closure and Restoration”.

Call 575-770-3377  or 431-7766 to volunteer for the SC Homeless Union .  Still needed leadership and organizing help.  President Alicia Kuhl takes concerns and complaints.  Also notable: City Council’s failure to use the $14.5 million to set up survival campgrounds outside the Benchlands and support those that exist! 

The City’s principal goal seems to be to provide
“show shelter” to persuade a federal court they are meeting the Martin v. Boise “no prosecutions without adequate shelter” option. Police can then restore the Sleeping/Camping Ban (MC 6.36) aka the Camping Services and Standards Ordinance and resume their “hide out or get out” policy making visible homelessness (while sleeping or resting) a crime. 

They would circumvent the Martin v. Boise “no tickets without real shelter” ruling by setting aside 10 shelter spaces up at the Overlook or Armory encampments and claiming those who don’t take them are “service resistant” and so no longer protected by that ruling.