+++ Slogging our way through the Santa Cruz City Council’s Final Nail in the Camping Ban Coffin with its 2nd Reading and passage by a 5-2 vote.
+++ West Side Cares & others Voice Objections Unheard to the Ban.
+++ “Katzenjammer” Keith McHenry’s Update on the In’s and Out’s of the In-sters and Out-sters in Santa Cruz
+++ Cacophonic Symphony: Voices of the SC Homeless Union at Their Weekly 5 PM Friday meeting under the Footbridge from River St. to San Lorenzo Park
FLASHBACK TO September 16, 2004
+++ Tucson arrested and divested of his property, caught crying while intoxicated.
+++Gregarious Greg, “Jacked Up but Jolly” James Nay, Copwatch Tom, Merryweather Mike, and Anonymous Alex at the Free Radio-on-the-Street Broadcast Table
+++Skidmark Bob on Knoxville Pirate Radio Shutdown by the FCC
+++ Proposition 63–Helping the Homeless or Enabling “Lock up the Loonies” Strategy of Laura’s Law (that leads to Forced Medication and Easier Forced Incarceration).
+++Mama Shannon on her potential Write-In Candidacy for City Council
+++ Tokin’ Tim Rinker on the Drive to Legalize Marijuana Locally and State-Wide
+++Swingtime Susie & Q.Z. give musical and non-musical updates.
+++ Orlee and Jasmine Jones report the recovery of their children.
The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html) as well as netcast at 9 AM or shortly thereafter.
Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at http://huffsantacruz.org/wordpress/ (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). Many older audio archives are described and currently available at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/brb-descriptions.html .
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can also leave comments. HUFF is also too slowly developing a page at http://huffsantacruz.org/ursula.html.