The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows as well as netcast at 9:30 AM.
Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can also leave comments. HUFF is also too slowly developing a page at
Check out Flashback descriptions at .
FRSC wants to set up our antenna again downtown– in a tree, a house, etc.
We want our call-in line back too for live shows. Send us tips on where to rent studio space. There’s still a $300 reward if you find us a year’s space.
Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or You can also comment on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom facebook page.
xxx Shitty Manager’s Report has Lee “Bumbouncer” Butler’s “report” on concentrating unhoused folks in the Benchlands and sending them off to Nowhere from the Hiway 1/9 encampments.
xxx Gasps of Oral Communication from the few Zoom watchers able to wedge their way into Mayor “Dustheart” Donna Meyers time limitations and strategic trashcanning of the public comment periods.
xxx HUFF attendee Awl describes being assaulted a block away from the meeting after a critical comment about City Mangler Martin Bernal.
xxx Merryweather Mike and Bathrobespierre Robert chatter while waiting for the “Stop the Sweeps” meeting that never was.
xxx 5-10 Babble and Background from Benchlands Residents and Wannabe’s Gregory Smith–in flight from the Highway Roust, Elias the Evictee, Firmthought Fred, Miguel de Leon (Lito), and “Jerks Get lost” James.
xxx Farewell to Phil Posner: Going Away Salute at the Rio Mobile Home Park 3 PM Today
xxx “Rightway” Robert, aka “the Hero of Ross Camp”, Katzenjammer Keith, Bathrobespierre Robert, “Step Up or Step away” Samuel, Sea Otter, “Leave ’em Alone” Laura and more speakers from the 5-11 “No New Camping Ban” protest 5-11 outside City Hall
xxx More 5-12 Benchland Banter from Sandy Rambler, Ashanti, Mutterin’ Mark, Daniel, “Lightheart” Lee-Ann, and others .
FLASHBACK TO July 3, 2014
XXX Bathrobespierre and Doc Mike Update the Final Four of the Santa Cruz 11–targets of D.A. Bob Lee’s political persecution against the Occupy Movement.
XXX Lullaby Luke–intimidated by armed police standing over him a year and a half ago.
XXX Measuring out the Madness: Deconstructing the “no sit, no tabling, no vending” laws.
XXX 6-29: Jerry Hudson reports on police mobbing a guy outside CVS.
XXX 6-30 Red Church Interviews: Mr. J. on problems with police reporting TBSC harassment; beach harassment with homeless companion dogs ticketed but not volleyball pooches; 6 PD and 2 Security gave him 24 hour stay-away and threats if he returned.
XXX More from the Red Church: Bob Noxious on city stripping his cave home; LooseChange reports ticketed sleeping near courthouse by cops in 3 AM wake up; 10 years outside Celia apprehensive noting bathrooms closed; Shelly outside 5 months her first time; El Centro resident notes she’d rather eat at Red Church
XXX Report of surfer dudes chasing a tourist around up at Westcliff for taking a parking spot
XXX Part one of a report on the 6-30 ACLU Board of Directors meeting where a dozen homeless people came to tell their passionate stories, resulting in passage of a resolution asking for a moratorium on night-time camping bans: Shelly, Max
Check out the weekly HUFF meeting Thursday May 6th 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for coffee quaffing and complaining, sharing reports and retorts, and serving as a form of support and speak-out against the wave of anti-homeless post-COVID police policies to drive the poor out of sight and out of town.