Sound quality is very low. If you can boost up the volume on your speaker, do so.
The June 21, 1996 Flashback includes:
- Background and Context of the June 21st Flashback as Bathrobespierre Robert checks in for a 2-month jail sentence for serving free food in San Francisco with Food Not Bombs [FNB]
- Speeches, Rage, and Revelry on the Steps of the Jail just before Bathrobespierre checks in
- Whittier activist on FNB arrests there, Mr. Twister (aka Corey MacDonald), Diamond Dave, & others
- Bathrobespierre’s report on the City Hall Sleepers Protest
- Perp walk into jail
- Report on day-to-day life in County jail by phone
- S.C. Revolutionary Coalition Speeches on June 20th including Jim Cosner, Becky Johnson, Dragonsheart Dan Hopkins, & Others