The show will be available on HUFF archives now up and working at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows .
Many older audio archives are described and currently available at
Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen).
Summaries of Flashbacks from earlier shows are at .
For Irrepressible Ursula’s Commentary and Description of current and some archived shows, go to the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page. Hopes still linger for a page to be added to the HUFF website itself soon.
Want FRSC back on the air not just the net? We need a spot to setup our antenna again in the downtown area–a tree, a house.
Want our call-in line restored as well as live shows? Send us tips on where to rent studio space with a $300 reward for cueing us into a year’s contract.
Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or
xxx Carrie of Residents Against Round-Up appeals to the Community to join her and the residents of the Riverfront and Case Del Rio apartments at 146-152 Blaine St. tomorrow (Monday 4-19) to stop the toxic spraying. Protests may continue for the next few days. For more info contact her at 831-227-7990 or
xxx Castaway Cooper D’Angelo continues her critique of the Court-ordered Benchlands relocation now in progress in San Lorenzo Park with an expulsion order possible as early as April 28th, the day after Federal magistrate Susan van Keulen’s April 27th Injunction status hearing.
xxx 4-12 Interviews: Grokmaster Greg Bengston contrasts the City’s Armory “Managed Campground” with “Camp Freedom” currently in the Park protected by the Injunction, gives a Roaming Rats report, and needle waste in the Denise Elerick of Harm Reduction Coalition on Chico hostility towards Needle Exchange and Homeless folks. (831)769-4700
xxx Dreadeye reports 3 tickets in 3 days for survival parking next to San Lorenzo 4-15 Modesto/Turlock arrival Chago with his family newly residents in San Lorenzo 4-16 “Whip the Wicked” Wes White and “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson on the Salinas City Councilfolk’s recent assurances and meetings, plus feared sweeps in the near future.
xxx Merrymaker Mark Levy in his 2008 rendition of “Say It, Don’t Spray” before the Santa Cruz City Council successfully opposing the LBAM spraying of those Becky from Modesto, and Street Jeweler Nicole on dealing with destitution.
xxx Free Radio harassment in Berkeley in Santa Cruz by the FCC
xxx “Peoples Establishment” Protester and Survival Camper in San Diego
xxx Prescott AZ Interview on outside residents reaction to their proposed anti-homeless law.
xxx Heather of Needle Exchange in Santa Cruz
xxx Claire of the Berkeley Police Review Commission
Support the Blaine St. low-income tenants threatened with cancer-producing Round-Up spraying Monday-Wednesday:
Show Up at 8 AM Monday 4-19 at the two apartment complexes there.
E-mail FPI Management; 800 Iron Point Road; Fulsom CA 95630 or call 916 357-5300Demand “No Spray, Thanks!”
Direct your fire at Dennis Treadaway at dennis.treadaway@fpimgt.comJoin the TentTable at Pacific & Soquel today April 18th at 1 PM for Resisting the threatened return of anti-homeless laws at City Council on May 11th, likely police sweeps , and the anti-homeless Modified Injunction against San Lorenzo Survival Campers.
Weather permitting, join Santa Cruz Homeless Union weekly meeting Monday 2 PM April 19th at Front and Laurel Streets at the Food Not Bombs meal.
Check out the weekly HUFF meeting Thursday April 22nd 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private. Or at least to howl at the darkness.
Conspire for Justice with a community opposed to likely spring sweeps 5 PM Friday April 23rd on the lawn at the Red Church at Cedar and Lincoln.