The show will be available on HUFF archives at the Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides under Lost/Latest Shows as well as netcast at 9:30 AM. WARNING: Including the Flashback, the show is extremely long. Listen at your own risk.
Detailed written descriptions of recent shows are at (search for “Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides” on the right side of the screen). Many older audio archives are described and currently available at .
Commentary by Ursula and more detailed descriptions of recent shows can be found on the Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom Facebook page where you can leave comments. Prospects are good that Ursula’s Utterances will be available within a week at as well.
A Flashback description page is at .
Want FRSC back on the air not just the net? We need a spot to setup our antenna again in the downtown area–a tree, a house.
Want our call-in line restored as well as live shows? Send us tips on where to rent studio space with a $300 reward for cueing us into a year’s contract.
Meanwhile for input into my show, contact Bathrobespierre Robert at 831-423-4833 or
xxx ” Put Up or Shut Up” Peggy Lee Kennedy of the Venice Justice Committee (check her out on Facebook) gives an angry and extensive critique of Judge David O’Connor’s Injunction requiring L.A. authorities to spend supposedly “homeless” funding on shelters and services but not providing real protection to those the Injunction may soon drive into police paddywagons.
xxx All Quiet on the Santa Cruz Front? With protests raging in other Cities as black victims are executed by militarized cops, Santa Cruz homeless activists (HUFF, SC Homeless Union, Black Lives Matter, DSA, NOMAD included) seem reduced to small meetings and angry e-mails, tweets, texts, and facebook laments. Review of HUFF demands made on SCPD Andy Mills last summer.
xxx Scouring the Scumsters with “Scope it Out” Scott Graham. The 4-27 City Council Agenda (accessible only by Zoom or phone–go to for the tiresome details) is sliming into view this Tuesday at 12:30 PM.
xxx Lightfooting about the PovertyPimp Plantation with “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster
FLASHBACK TO March 21, 2004
xxx Andrea Prichrett on Berkeley Copwatch finding police accountability through direct observation and action rather than depending on non-profits, City Councils, courts, etc.
xxx Co-Host Quintus Cornish faces S.C. County Deputy guns at Felton’s New Leaf Market for petitioning there.
xxx Chris Frederickson, homeless attorney, reviews the plight of youth facing the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center
xxx Street Tabling with Merryweather Mike and Visionsong Valerie when Free Radio was taking direct reports from Pacific Avenue live: Lea reports a “Sitting” ticket from Community Service Officer Pam Bechtel on the Rampage & and other cop capers
xxx Caller reports on Cop Threats against a late-night party on Seabright Ave.
xxx A Temporary Victory in the “Move Along” Charges against Steve Argue and Mathew Hartog
xxx Expelled from the Bookshop Santa Cruz for a “Jesus Loves You” message on his backpack?
xxx Taking the “Under God” affirmation in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Supreme Court with attorney Paul Sanford.
TentTable is a firm maybe at Pacific & Soquel today April 25th at 1 PM for Resisting the threatened return of anti-homeless laws at City Council on May 11th, likely police sweeps , and the anti-homeless Modified Injunction against San Lorenzo Survival Campers. It may be rained out.
Weather permitting, join Santa Cruz Homeless Union weekly meeting Monday 2 PM April 26th at Front and Laurel Streets at the Food Not Bombs meal.
Check out the weekly HUFF meeting Thursday April 29nd 11 AM at 703 Pacific (the Sub Rosa next to the Bike Church] for musing, masticating, and meandering on how to expose and undo anti-homeless shenangans by authorities public and private. Or at least to howl at the darkness.
Conspire for Justice with a community opposed to likely spring sweeps may be meeting 5 PM Friday April 30th on the lawn at the Red Church at Cedar and Lincoln. Contact Keith McHenry at 575-770-3377 for more info. Also contact him to help with a Survey of Homeless Encampments he’s making to determine a possible positive response to threatened police expulsion in the weeks ahead.