Reminder Again! If you haven’t already done so and want to continue receiving this HUFF e-mail notice of shows and other homeless activist updates, please respond to to keep them coming.
WE WANT OUR PHONE LINE BACK SO YOU CAN CALL IN ! but that won’t happen unless we can find a studio space we can rent around Santa Cruz. Doesn’t have to be big. 10′ X 10′ will do, indoors or outdoors (we can build a shack if you supply the space). Just needs electricity and internet access.
WE ALSO CRAVE TO RETURN TO THE AIRWAVES IN ADDITION TO OUR NETCASTING! That means simply access to a tall tree or rooftop where we can place the antenna. In Covid-19 times, this is particularly important so the community can talk to itself without the ridiculous limitations of Zoom, etc.
Phone in (423-4833) or e-mail us ( tips on where we might find a studio space and a place to put our antenna. $300 reward for finding us the studio space. Eternal gratitude for finding an antenna location.
Benchlands City-County campground residents are being moved to the distant Delaveaga area. Nearby “Camp Freedom” residents next to the Lawn Bowling court have not, as of yet, been warned to move, though rains are approach. The many survival camped along Hiway 1 report no specific warnings to move, but rumors of that happening soon–with no place to go as usual, after having been ousted from long-time camping areas in the Pogonip. Rain, residents tell me, is likely to turn their camping area in front of the Housing Mutters ad sign on hiway 1 up to and beyond the railroad tracks into a river.
Some residents who ousted from the Wheelworks Association of Faith Communities parking lots near the vacant sports Stadium and the nearby vacant FEMA intake center on Front St. report they were quickly ousted from the Harvey West camp they set up. Campsites near Felker St. and the cemetery face “flood warning” excuses to be moved along, with NOMAD workers reportedly planning to assist them in moving where they want to go. The reality of increasingly cold Winter nights hasn’t stirred warm-and-cozy City and County bureaucrats into setting up badly-needed restroom, food, water, and charging services for the overwhelming majority of those outside.
City Council had nothing on its November 10th agenda either, other than a feel good 3-year plan to chat on about homeless deficiency and solutions without taking the basic steps to defend life and health this winter in yet another of its “no public, please” meetings held by Zoom instead of at the Civic Auditorium accessible to the anxious public.
Food Not Bombs continues to serve daily 1-4 PM at Parking Lot #23 behind the Taco Bell for the moment, though City Mangler Bernal has been authorized to close it down and fence it off at any time.
I have filed another Public Records Act request seeking information on a rumored Board of Supervisors memo in possession of Ryan Coonerty and City Council vice-Mayor Donna Meyers. Still no response from Mayor Cummings to my Brown Act demand of week before last demanding that City Council reconsider all items done without public access and participation (see “Brown Act Demand to Santa Cruz City Council: ReDo Meetings You’ve Illegally Closed” at ).
No offered transparency from City and County regarding expenditures (or non-expenditures) of funds from Project Roomkey and Project Housekey to suggest the amount of money spent (or wasted) (or used) The costly $1 mil per year Benchlands campground was an example of providing a showcase shelter for a few while ignoring the plight of the many–standard Santa Cruz strategy.
While a number of vulnerable unhoused are temporarily in the safer motel shelter, most of those “sheltered” are warehoused in the unhealthy group shelters–and even those shelters have waiting lists as the SCPD and its “social worker” allies pass out alleged available resource lists.
The Pogonip camps continue to be blocked off with even the rudimentary portapotties and wash stations along hiway 9 removed. Ditto with the scores of tents along hiway 1 near the intersection with 9–no portapotties for the scores of Pogonip evacuees there.
And, of course, there’s no drop-in Winter Shelter so folks outside are being left to freeze this winter.
No change in “The Mangler”‘s Emergency Edict banning (largely Latinx) vendors on Beach St. continues its preferential impact, OK-ing tourist and Boardwalk businesses for masked and unmasked alike along the beaches, the Boardwalk, and the “no vendors allowed” sidewalks.
NOMAD (Needs Oriented Movement Assistance and De-escalation) and Food Not Bombs are still organizing to provide escape resources for vehicle dwellers threatened with home seizure by lethally-armed police and Public Works cronies. These younger activists begin to organize to resist what is likely to be the most Reactionary City Government in years–now that reactionaries have won the city election. Call 226-998 for more information.
XXX “Lighthouse” Linda Lemaster and Bathrobespierre make valiant attempts to discuss the “Affordable Housing” Hoax in Santa Cruz.
XXX The 11-11 HUFF meeting features NOMAD campwatcher Steven giving extensive updates plus the usual roster of rhetoric from
Bathrobespierre Robert.
XXX Interviews with the Hiway 1 Refugees and Matt from the expanded “huts” of the adjacent Paul Lee Loft XXX Pogonip deportees describe the City’s rush to remove them and destruction of their property.
XXX A few croaks from the Food Not Bombs family
XXX Report from “Camp Freedom” from guitarist-in-residence Ricardo Lopez
FLASHBACK to September 14, 2006: XXX Psychedelic expert Peter Stafford in-studio guest discusses his life and writing XXX Food Not Bombs report from the Wednesday Farmer’s Market. XXX Street Interviews: Bam-Bam, Donna and Shane, Pot Bust on Loma Prieta XXX DJ Rhino calls in from Olympia, WA on anti-homeless crackdown, anti-war activity, and Free Radio Olympia XXX “Touchstone” Tim Rinker on Proposition K, the Lowest-Enforcement-Priority for Medical Marijuana, sabotaged by City Council and City Police.
Summary descriptions of current and earlier shows after mid-November 2017 are posted at . Earlier descriptions (back to 2005) are often available at . A listing of where flashbacks to earlier times can be found will soon be available.
Recent Past Shows are Described at Past Shows are Archived separately at
Many Pre-2017 Shows are Described at
Many Pre-2017 Shows are Archived at
Archives prior to 2004 are at
For Flashbacks before 1995, go to and search for “Flashback”
Act Locally or Regret Later
- Demand NO SWEEPS OF THE HOMELESS ENCAMPMENTS without real alternatives. Join the groups listed below, and/or start your own support group to stop the continued “whack-a-mole” SCPD and Public Works “disappear the homeless” approach that now threatens their health & the broader Community’s as well.
- Volunteer for homeless civil rights or service programs that actually serve: Food Not Bombs, Day/Night Storage, HUFF, SC Homeless Union, Your Allied Rapid Response (YARR), Sub Rosa Cafe, NOMAD and others mentioned on Instagram.
- Join Black Lives Matter protests to demand police defunding, the end of homeless harassment, and true community action to restore resources to all of us.