Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday January 12, 2025 show features Troublesome Thomas Leavitt, Lots of David Rovic’s music, & Berkeley’s Jesse on Gaza + a Flashback to February 10, 2008 with Gillian Greensite on SCPD’s Rape Neglect ( Drum Circle Victory

The Sunday January 23, 2025 show includes:

+++  [1-6] Jesse of the Berkeley Sidewalk Chess Club on the getting straight news on the Gaza genocide

+++  Jesse on the local City Council’s complicity and corruption in the Gaza slaughters

+++  [throughout] A History of the World according to David Rovics beginning with “Song for the Eureka Stockade” , commentary: “The Eureka Stockade uprising in Australia”.

+++  Jesse on Apec Security’s attacks on him for challenging the strangulation of People’s Park

+++  Jesse on the problems of mixing satire and comedy with the tragic Gaza genocide

+++  Jesse on AI and legacy media censorship around Gaza

+++  [1-11] Upcoming Santa Cruz City Council meeting analysis by “Scope-It-Out” Scott Graham

+++  [1-10]  “Troublesome”  Thomas Leavitt A New Small College Instructor on Poverty Times in Santa Cruz and Arizona

+++  [1-11]   “Deep Heart” Drew Writes the Wealthy & the Woe-struck on the same Page

+++  Felix on Prop 36; Greg on the Fungus Festival & Cheap Meals Around Town;

+++   Flashback Summary

The Flashback to February 10, 2008 includes: 

+++  Flash within a Flash: 1999—Jerry Henry held for trial on $100,000 bail

+++  [occasional music by Mike True throughout the show]

+++  Eric, Vice-Chair of the City’s Measure K (“Lowest Enforcement for Private Over-21 City Use of Marijuana”)

+++  Bathrobepierre menaced by Sheriff’s Deputy Smith

+++  John on marijuana rights and police terrorism

+++  “Peaceful protesters prevail at parking lot #4 despite the foolish 15 minute provocateur!” (

+++   Conversations to the beat of the Drum Circle Successful Protest

+++   Mike True’s Account of his Successful $15,000 Lawsuit Against Butchie “Sticky Fingers” Baker

+++   Gillian Greensite’s critique of the SCPD’ poor record of rape kit closure

+++   HRO activist Bob Patton reports Scott and Elizabeth’s letter from City Attorney dismissing citations.

+++   Jhond Golder on the “Take Me to a Magistrate” law and fighting bad RV citations.