The July 30, 2023 Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show includes:
- 7-24: “Cage Me Not Cooper” calls in to report cruel and usual punishment coming up for the Hiway 9 refugee community currently roosting in the greenbelt near the end of Golf Club Drive.
- KSQD Interview with Mental Health Client Action Network co-founder and activist Sarah Leonard from their archives.
- 7-25: Cooper’s second report on growing police threats against the emigree community.
- 7-25: Angry anonymous appeal from a victim of police property seizure
- 7-25: “I Will” Tyler on panhandling perspectives in front of Forever Twenty-One
- 7-25: Natalie and Cisco: Jewelry Vending on Pacific Ave.
- 7-25: Rob of Mil Marvel Masterpieces telling us how you make metal art
- 7-23: Devoted Drew’s Latest report from the weekend Food Not Bombs meal
- 7-23: Vet activist Lee on improving but still difficult vet conditions around Santa Cruz
- 7-23: T’Shawn Joseph Battle, Roxroy the Best Boy, and Rapid-Tongue Robert Woodleaf: Talk around the Town Clock
- 7-26: Cooper’s dark third report—after the police demolition of her community’s camp
- Andrew Malkinson’s tale of terror: