The Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday May 19,2024 show includes:
- [throughout] New and old mostly “End the Gaza Genocide” songs from David Rovics
- Wide-roaming” Wes White on Povery Pimpsters in Salinasland, a Sacramento victory for Camp Resolution, rundown on Monterey County human rights organizations and other tough and tender tidbits. Check his you-tube videos on John Doe13K.
- Rovics on the pros and cons of song in protest:
- Activist Allen Fischer on recent town protests against the Gaza genocide
The Flashback to April 1, 2012 includes:
- Background behind the prosecution of the Santa Cruz 11 [SC-11], a selected group of journalists and activists who were accused of conspiracy to trespass at the vacant 75 River St. Wells Fargo bank on November 30, 2011
- Response to the arraignments of Bradley Stuart and Alex Darocy , 2 of the SC-11, a few days ago
- Mike Rhodes, Fresno activist and writer, from Chancey Park with Occupy Fresno’s encampment
- Patch, a homeless evictee, describes his 15-person encampment setting up at the publicly funded but privately owned park
- Flashpoints on Pacific Radio with Dennis Bernsteen interviewing SC-11 Defendant Bradley Stuart Allen and his attorney Ben Rice
- Beggerbacker Becky Johnson, SC-11 defendant and reporter on selective enforcement at that prosecution: [Johnson has extensive contemporaneous coverage at throughout 2012]
- Johnson on her brief and bully-heavy Sinister Sidewalk Singsong trial and conviction before Judge Almquist
- SC-11 Supporters gathering at the D.A.’s office as two of the 11 are set for trial; comments by Elise, Jim Waller, Free, and others
- Coralee on streetside Rotkin guitaring for Measure A for the Teen Center
- Other voices: Gary Johnson, Ed Frey, Linda Lemaster, David Silva, and Steve Pleich