The Sunday May 5, 2024 Bathrobespierre’s Broadside show includes:
- “Backstory” Brent Adams reviewing his work in struggling to expand social services over the last decade
- [4-28] “Jus’ Tired” Jim on the day before City removal of the Harvey West survival encampment
- [4-28] “Airborne” Athena
- The Listening Post: on media smearing of student anti-genocide protests
- Jack Ryan Rodreguez—his history as a displaced sometime homeless activist
- [4-29] Observing the police raid dispersing the encampment.
The August 23, 2007 Flashback includes:
- Background and objectives of the August 12-19 extended Homies for the Homeless [HfH]protest at the S.C. City Council Courtyard.
- [“Sleep Ban Fighters Regroup after Saturday Morning Police Raid”]
- Reviewing the record of the SCPD at the HfH:the few citations, the Sentinel smears, PR police professional Zack Friend hostile account
- Success and prospects of those fighting the Sleeping Ban
- [8-18] Christopher Williams on phony resource packets handed out by SCPD—Shane, Amanda and John Barnett, on scene with 25 Sleepers
- Amisa on landlord restrictions about associating with “the homeless”
- In-studio guest Lighthouse Linda Lemaster, former chair of the Homeless Issues Task Farce
- Lee on his own psychological defensive weapons against anti-homeless harassment and Demone, Amanda, and John on the phony resource packets