The Sunday October 27th show includes:
- Berkeley RV dweller Amber Whitson updates us on Berkeley’s 2022 crackdown on RVsters and more
- [throughout] David Rovics continues his One Year On: The Apocalypse in Review—parts 2 and 3
- [10-24-24] At City Hall with Berkeley’s “Where Do We Go?” [WDWG] with Mario and Maryann Uribe
- [10-24-24] At the protest at Ohlone Park with Atlas
- [10-25-24] Stacy Hill from S.F., Steve the WDWG security man, and Richard Rodreguez
- [10-25-24] Joel from Rebound Books, reportedly, the largest book store in Marin County with his leftist and local history.
The Flashback to February 19, 2017 includes:
- Half-hour interview with Councilmember Chris Krohn asking about City investments in Wells Fargo, opening the books on the Sean Arlt slaying by SCPD and more.
- [throughout] Ryan Harvey’s angry political songs
- [2-13-2017] Red Church Interviews: Don Hutchins thwarted bike theft, Julie Schaul on legal news against police sweeps in Seattle, the Lisa Hooper/Brandy Osborne case
- Julie Schaul on Westside Safeway, Panda Express seating disappearing, kudos to Starbucks; her advice: contact corporate HQ for businesses with commendations and complaints, take business elsewhere.
- Cooper D’Angelo’s year-old assault case; David Turner on difficulties getting in and staying in River St. mini-Shelter
- [2-18] Black Lives Matter protest in Capitola, Badgebooster Bob Lamonica’s defense of Officer Bailey’s shooting of Arlt.
- Flyer Distributed at City Council
- Joy Parker: Airport protest on Trump Immigration Ban
- Purple and Jay, Jennifer, around the Milkcrate Singers (Cooper faced trial for sitting on a milkcrate)
- Street Handicraft Vendor Jaya Interview; Jeweler James at the Coffee Roasting outdoor seating area