The Sunday September 22, 2024 show includes:
- Bathrobespierre presents protest news and upcoming events including next Tuesday’s S.C. Shitty Council agenda
- “Scope it out” Scott Graham’s caustic comments on the Council’s agenda.
- [9-15] Voices from Food Not Bombs: Joel Lewis RV dweller; Shutterbug Chip Shauer on comfortable outdoor living
- [9-15] Tabling on Censorship at the Bookshop Coonerty with Sherrill Bennett, Keith McHenry, and author Leon Canarow at
- [9-16] Protest and Exclusion at Funding Matters Groundbreaking Ceremony with “Act Up” Athena, Bathrobespierre Robert, Lewis Powell, “Cast a Wide Net” Coral and various security guards.
- [9-21] “Cornerstone” Carol Denney on the Berkeley Badlands.
The Flashback to April 13, 2003 includes:
- [4-8-03] RCNV Protest against Military Job Fair at Stevenson College Dining Hall at UCSC
- Representative Sam Farr—Bane or Boon to the Peace Movement: Joe Williams v. Mike Rotkin