The Thursday June 13, 2024 show is a Flashback to October 24, 2004.
It includes:
- [throughout] Social and Political Songs from Mike True
- A 10-22-24 Interview with Gary, Bliss, and Joe Barker, focusing on Barker’s harassment by Parks and Rec rangers and state campground repression/restriction & Bliss on disabled discrimination.
- Compassion Flower Inn empresario Andrea Tishler on Supervisor expansion of caregiver canopy space for medical marijuana
- [10-23] Bill and Chloe on sitting on Union Grove planter boxes across from Metro; Musical Mike Pentecost banned from Bookshop Coonerty for sleeping nearby; Curey, city library worker who lived in with her mom and three dogs in her car for a year in Mission St. Safeway lot;
- Rough Rider Richard Quigley on the Last Days of Sheriff Mark Tracy, KSCO’s cutoff of Bathrobespierre Robert on the issue, and the latest on Quigley’s “freedom to helmet” issue
- Becky Johnson’s critical analysis Mayor Emily Reilly on homeless issues.
- Mad-and-Moody Michael Tomasi interview on police activity under acting Police Chief Skerry
- [9-2] Thursday night FRSC-on-the-street interviews on the Iraqi war
- Brune and Norse—City Council candidates on the air