The Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides June 20, 24 show is a Flashback to September 25, 2014.
It includes:
+++ G9-20 Interview with Keith McHenry on Mother Theresa in S.F +++ 9-25 Red Church Interviews: Eric Ray & Donna Marie on P&R’s August raid taking his stuff–5 camps destroyed, stuff hidden in trees taken, tents slashed by Labor Ready workers, repeats seizures subsequently
+++ Honey’s 24-hour stay-away order from the beach after a ticket
+++ Mass bust at Parking Lot #9 against travelers for smoking w/5 cops
+++ Street jeweler Robin reports levee wildlife destruction to drive out campers, fencing near Tannery 2-3 weeks ago; HLOSC now like a prison with locked gate so no more meals there
+++ Lone WolfHutch denounces S.C. Hotel for ripping him off for vets check
+++ Jeweler reports Move-Along fine reduced from $349 to $100 though they weren’t asked as the law required to move along
+++ DreamCatcher on massive seizure of property of 7 older men in San Lorenzo Park while they were at lunch
+++ Correspondence with assistant City Manager Scott Collins on the anti-homeless “Mosquito” devices used to discourage groups of “undesireables” from clustering near banks, under bridges, and elsewhere in the city.
+++ A caller and in studio broadcaster Doc Mike discuss the health implications of the Mosquito devices
+++ Colin Campbell Clyde’s national political dismay