The November 16, 2023 show is a Flashback to May 9, 1999. It includes:
- On the 24th Day of homeless client Lou Rice’s fast demanding better conditions at the Homeless (Lack of) Services Center m [HLOSC], callers support assisting transporting leftover UCSC to the HLOSC hungry, supporting Rice’s fast in other ways, and providing fasting advice.
- Local resident Norma Tasker and others speak at the Town Hall Meeting of the Beach Area Working Group on Mayor Beiers’ pet proposed Dolphin-Lee project
- 7 points of Lou Rice’s hunger strike begun April 15th
- Call for downtown demos against the Sleeping Ban
- Bob Lamonica denounces former D.A. Art Danner’s corruption
- News stories: D.A. Won’t Charge Cops in River Side Killing (SF Examiner 5-8-99); Depleted Uranium Poses Toxic Threats to Soliders & Civilians
- Linda Lemaster on changes allow good samaritan giveaways by groceries and restaurants
- Bathrobespierre caws at the CPRB [Civilian Police Review Board] and its cover for cops
- Justman Jim Costner on the anniversary of the 1982 Philadelphia cop massacre of the MOVE collective.