The November 21st 2024 show is a Flashback to August 5th, 1998.
It includes:
++++ Black mom and activist Wanda Knight and companion Jordan Koran witness Knight being forced off the Canfield Boardwalk for speaking ill of the Ku Klux Klan in a private conversation.
++++ Prospects for a full discussion of Canfield’s 3rd St. Expansion Redevelopment
++++ [8-1-98] Activist Larry Mulligan on San Diego cops rousting 240 people breaking promises
++++ Pacific Avenue cop hassles for sleeping/homeless status: Lucer, Gabriel Ryan
++++ Madcap Mark the Puppeteer hassled for using “nigger” puppets
++++ Jerry Henry, street minister and youth counselor, at “Ranco” Liquors at Aptos Rancho del Mar Shopping Center fighting harassment by Gottchalk’s, Coffee Roasting Company, to drive him away.
++++ FCC visits Pirate Radio (satire by Jolly Roger Comedy Troupe)