The November 23, 2023 show is a Flashback to June 10, 1999 including:
- Oakland City Council rejects loitering law [East Bay Express 4-23-99]
- Fort Lauderdale may ban begging after 11th Circuit Court decision
- Philadelphia ACLU and police settle homeless lawsuit on begging.
- City Councilmember Mike Rotkin, in-studio guest, grilled on the beating of local Ray Stitts, homeless guy.
- Norse proposes Rotkin take immediate action with repeal of Sleeping Ban as an immediate safety measure or emergency safety zones indoors or outdoors; Rotkin won’t act himself but says “bring me proposals”.
- Callers include Becky Johnson, Bernard Klitzner, “Merlin”, and others.
- Dispute on popularity of changing the Sleeping Ban; Rotkin’s door-to-door experience