The January 29, 2023 Show includes:
- Various articles covering the police murder of Tyre Nicols in Memphis
- [1-22-23] Helga’s herstory of anti-homeless harassment at the Mountain Community Resource Center and elsewhere in Felton
- [1-23-23] Dreamcatcher and Arnie give rosy snapshots of the Armory shelter
- [1-23-23] Everett Trujillo’s Report Card on Sheriff and Povertypimp Behavior
- [1-27] Helga and Bathrobespierre Shoot Questions at Deputy Jason Dune.
- [1-28] Helga’s account of her 1 a.m. bust for videoing Everett’s false arrest.
The November 11, 1999 Flashback includes:
- Largely Critical Phone Interview with Councilmember Chris Krohn on the Shoulder Tap law, Rent Control, the rushed Dolphin-Lee Project, Council’s stalling on an independent lawyer for the Citizens Police Review Board [CPRB]
- Gail Levy, President of the Cabrillo Estates Mobile Home Owners Association [CEMHOA] in Capitola defending their rent control.
- FRSC broadcaster and CEMHOA resident Merlin weighs in on the issue.
- Van dweller Dennis Rehm, 14-times hauled to court for Sleeping Ban crime, on the Flory-Edwards-Jacobs defense and judicial collusion with police repression.
- Catnip Kate Wells, defense attorney, advises CPRB members on the right to use lawful force to resist a false arrest.
- Roughrider Richard Quigley on social cleansing harassment of Jerry Henry, counselor to street youth, charged with 11 non-violent misdemeanors
- Battling Bob Lamonica on the corrupt past of Judge Art Danner
- Homeless recycler Verna Hernandez on City harassment of her work