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For the “Latest Show – 4/10/2022 Sunday, April 10, 2022” .
Scroll down for more info on earlier shows.
+++ “Beggerbacker” Becky Johnson survives COVID, encounter difficulties getting alternate therapies, and updates us from Monterey County
+++ “Leopard Tongue” Lee-Ann Sherwood on moving from the Benchlands into the Vehicular Arena.
+++ “Scope It Out” Scott Graham confirms the bad news coming up on Tuesday’s “No Public, Please!” agenda (Zoom only!) with abusive restrictions on street vendors, public events (the latest City attack on Food Not Bombs), and vehicular homes.
+++ “Backstory” Brent Adams braves the bureaucratic budget busters by speaking frankly on the City’s failure to plan and fund real homeless services.
FLASHBACK to July 6, 2008 :
+++ Leela on smoker’s rights and the homeless
+++ Huey Long’s early 1930’s speech on “Share the Wealth”
+++ “Visionsong” Valerie reports “Move-Along’ hassles and ticketing of Cosmic Chris by Officer Collins
+++ Bathrobespiere tears into the “Disturbing Noises” pretext that the SCPD then used to harass street musicians.
+++ Even Scent-Anal [Sentinel] rightist ranters didn’t like July 4th overpolicing
+++ Bathrobespierre on bans that give the police “tools” in dialogue with caller “Bullypulpit” Bob Patton
+++ Bob Patton on discrimination at the Vets Hall against Vet Thomas Goodwin.
+++ In-studio guest: Homeless Vet Thomas Goodwin wins victory to use bathroom at local Vet’s Hall
+++ In-studio guest: Anita Henri on freedom to smoke
+++ Roasting Flagscorcher Brent & report on 4th of July totemtoasting
+++ Cannabis-advocate Craig Canada joins Anita Henri as in-studio guests
+++ Phone report from Santa Barbara writer and homeless advocate Peter Marin: changes due to bureaucrat support.
+++ Fresno report on Rescue Mission destruction of homeless camps +++ Street Interviews: Shane on landlord shenanagans
+++ Richard reports false accusation and citation for shoplifting at the Bookshop Santa Cruz
+++ Zack and Ella Mae report police confiscated sleeping gear
+++ Denver Post report from Rainbow Gathering of bad busts [about 4 ½ hours]
Stories on subjects from July 2008 in the flashback, go to Update from Donna Deiss
“Homeless Court”: Rules for Fools Parking Lot Panic Law Up for Review