First of the 2017 Flashbacks: Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides on the stream of Free Radio Sunday 2-26 at — the March 2, 2002 Show Returns!

Free Radio Santa Cruz has lost its studio.  Sunday’s (2-26) Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides show will be a 15 year flashback.

We’ll be streaming on

The show will archive at  .

The March 2, 2002 replay features numerous interviews from olden times.

Highlights include

  • former Seaside Councilman and Black Panther activist Mel Mason on police abuse and the police murder of Charles Vaughn Sr.;
  • Venice homeless activist David Busch on his arrest in a sports bar for ordering a cup of coffee while wearing an “unhoused” sign around his neck;
  • UCSC Steve HUFF organizer’s Update;
  • “Battling” Bob Lamonia on Rudeness Downtown;
  • Attorney Jim Fossbinder and “Beggarbacker” Becky Johnson on her LAPD lawsuit for beating at the 2000 Democratic National Convention;
  • Ben Mazel on LAPD Violence;
  • Ed Howes, The Janitor, Linda Lemaster, Dangerous John T.  and more

No call-in’s, but if you have comments or questions, call 831-423-4833, leave a message, and I’ll get back to you.

Help us find a studio and my live show will likely return to the air.  Also there’s a $500 reward if you can find us a 10′ X 10′ space for a year (indoors or outdoors) with access to internet, electricity and a toilet.  We’ll pay reasonable rent.