Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides February 6, 2025, show Flashes back to July 3, 2016 with a strong exchange between two Nancy’s on MHCAN’s problems and the brief dawn of Pacific Ave’s “blue squares”

The February 6, 2025 show is a Flashback to July 3, 2016. 

It includes:

  • Elijah Dickson on work challenges for a street-ster
  • “Candlelight” Kim on Post Office Steps Sitting Ban
  • [at different points in the show] old Phil Ochs songs by the Phil
  • Joe Pace on John Stewart housing and Kim Basket ticket penalties
  • Free Radio broadcaster Nancy G and Nancy E. on problems of MHCAN
  • Reports of SCPD’s Deeg—reportedly pushing to restrict MHCAN
  • Shaheen–Sidewalk sketch artist doing caricatures on Pacific Avenue
  • Alex and Joff—-Artists occasionally in costume displaying their paintings, the day after the new anti-artist city law went into effect.
  • Matthew the outdoor Sculptor still untouched by police
  • Ronee the Flower Lady, Grace, Josh, Lotus, and other voices 
  • Keith McHenry on the one-year anniversary of the Freedom Sleepers
  • [6-26-16]”Life First” Laura Boyd on New Life Center, Winter Shelter closure & more; Merryweather Mike, & Julie Schaul: Coastal Commission Deadline
  • Joseph Taylor III on elevator sleeping
  • [6-28] Two First Alarmsters and a CSO cop vs. a woman with a puppy sitting next to John the panhandler
  • James gets a $400 ticket for having banned wares. Darien Mitchell makes $5 in a full day+a ticket without a warning for “sitting too long”.

Dry out from February rains with HUFF at the Sub Rosa Cafe 2-6-25 1:30-3:30 PM Thursday at 703 Pacific next to the Bike Church

A Loose Cannon’s Agenda for next HUFF 2-6-25

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False)Police and City Manager Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE;  Though recent illness has blurred the schedule somewhat, I think this is Athena’s Loose Cannon’s time at bat.  So she’ll be running the meeting with the usual outbursts from me.                                      

Top of the Agenda (+ Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  Agenda, perhaps.

++++   Street and sweep reports from the last week; particularly Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at Coral St.

++++   Really Really Free Market at Sub Rosa 11 AM – 2 PM Sub Rosa Sunday 2-9-25

++++   PROTEST Santa Cruel Sweeps and Survival Gear Trashing: Thurs Feb 13 5 PM outside “Housing Matters” pay for chitter-chatter event at Rio Theater 1205 Soque Ave.

++++   Interviews from Monday  1-27-25 on HUFF website at (19 minutes into the audio file)

++++   Proposed statement anticipating protest actions against proposed U.S. war to deport Gazans and occupy Gaza as U.S. territory: Vigil Against Wars Abroad and at Home?

++++   Athena’s strategic thankee to Funding Matters

++++   Norse: Working on Update of Downtown Ordinances and other Anti-Homeless Laws.

++++   Last Thursday’s Point-In-Time (PIT) Count—any updates

++++   Possible Cabrillo College Report on Jim Vivian

++++   Coalition/Contacts with anti-ICE, pro-Palestinian local forces?

++++   Rebele Family Shelter’s Eviction of family with motel accommodation that ran out+

+++   Response to Police Abuse:

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provide  Gaia/Reggie Update
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s TipZine…  Gaia’s report on library resources for musical instruments, telescope, passes.

++++   Possible Small Claims Court Follow-Up

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?  Cat?  Avi

++++   New Street Spirits  and Street Sheets available  Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts

++++   Wet and Chilling Reports  include rain Thursday 2-6-25 and 30% chance Tue 2-11 & Wed 2-12.   

++++   People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide  (Correction and checking badly needed)

++++   No rules or procedures posted, no waiting list length for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs on the SC Free Guide.  Request written guidelines.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog) .  FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK THE RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS SECTION of the HUFF agenda AT

Random   New (to us, but sometimes somewhat dated) Articles, Videos &  Resources    TBA

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday February 2, 2025 show is Flashback to Feb. 16, 2012. It discusses the persecution and prosecution of the Santa Cruz Eleven, a Father Joel Miller interview, and post-Occupy reports

The February 2, 2025 Show contains:

  • Looking back and forward at recent and upcoming events
  • [throughout] More from episode 3 of A History of the World According to David Rovics
  • [1-27-25]  At the site of the Coral St. tent demolitions with Funding Matters [FM] clipboardsters and People’s Aide volunteers providing drinks & snacks.
  • One victim’s mixed account; an anonymous employee of FM giving background.
  • Athena and Manny give a skeptical but partly hopeful view on FM’s “help” in the current sweep.
  • Robert R., a former resident of the Armory gives a critical view. 
  • [1-26] Julie contemplates a return to the Armory
  • Cooper’s report on sub par extreme winter shelter  
  • Tony on hassles in San Francisco against Food Not Bombs there
  • Lyrical Eye (aka Isaac Collins) poetizes on the spot
  • Lito and Thumper the cat & Drew
  • Candlelight Kim Argula: the 1992 homeless occupation of the Heiner House.

  • The flashback to February 16, 2012 includes:
  • Introductory exclamations from Bathrobespierre and Free
  • “Scope It Out” Scott speculates on the Santa Cruz Eleven [SC11] arrests
  • Audio of Norse on Sandra Leigh’s Community TV show on SC-11
  • Gary Johnson, 647i false prosecution
  • Protest and the yellow police tape around Wells Fargo bank
  • Tales of Officer “Grim Grip” Garner
  • Paul on the closed S.C. Vets Hall
  • [2-12] Occupy S.C. General Assembly at steps of the main post office
  • Street voices: Barr, Dreamcatcher, Richard
  • Lengthy chat with Father Joel Miller inside the Red Church free meal
  • Former mayor Gone Lame (aka Don Lane) at UCSC: “Homelessness”

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, show Flashes back to January 26, 2017 with Steve Pleich, in-studio long time-vehicular dweller Bertha G., and Keith McHenry describing Freedom SleepOut #81

The Thursday January 30, 2025 show is a Flashback to Jan. 26, 2017 with:

  • Bertha G. (aka Rebecca), a Pilates teacher on vehicular living
  • 2017 Trump on the value of torture as an interrogation technique
  • SCPD’s boss Kevin Vogel withholds videos of the SCPD Sean Arlt slaying
  • [1-19] Swift-tongue Steve Pleich at the Red Church defends Winter Shelter management and Krohn’s “kitchen cabinet”.
  • Katzenjammer Keith’s analysis of Freedom Sleep-Out #81

HUFF quaffs hot coffee and such against the cold and upcoming rain 1:30- 3:30 PM at Sub Rose Cafe 703 Pacific Thursday 1-30-25 next to the Bike Church

Rough Suggestions & Reminders for next HUFF sit-down 1-30-25

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE.                                     

Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  Agenda, perhaps.

++++   Street and sweep reports from the last week; particularly Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at Coral St.

++++   Jan 20th Martin Luther King Day parade lookback (also Trump Inauguration Day) & possible Gaza ceasefire 

++++   Today’s Point-In-Time (PIT) Count.

+++   Rebele Family Shelter’s Eviction of family with motel accommodation that ran out last Friday.

++++   Response to Police Abuse:

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provide  Gaia/Reggie Update
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s TipZine…  Gaia’s report on library resources for musical instruments, telescope, passes.

++++   Possible Small Claims Court Follow-Up

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?  Cat?  Avi

++++   Berkeley Where Did They Go?—gone from Old City Hall up there++++    Jan 28 Shitty Council and Stupervisers reports? 

++++   Helga: Sweeps at Coral St…, at Library, and elsewhere…Freezing Weather Implicatons

++++   New Street Spirits  and Street Sheets available next week.  Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts.  Likely Friday, you can find their stories on line at .   &

++++   Are Gaza protests continuing as ceasefire may stall…

++++   Wet and Chilling Reports  include rain in the 50-60 degree range Friday 1-21-25 through 2-7-25

++++  People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide  (Correction and checking badly needed)

++++  No rules or procedures posted, no waiting list length for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs on the SC Free Guide.  Request written guidelines.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog) .  FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK THE RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS SECTION AT 

Random   New (to us, but dated) Articles, Videos &  Resources  [may require going on line to look up stories]                            

S.F Chronicle Stories

+++ Barnes v. Felix court case may bring U.S. “moment of threat” lethal force use into line with international “totality of circumstances, necessary and proportionate” standard (1-22)

+++  Wrongful death lawsuit filed against Berkeley police (1-16)

+++ What’s behind drop in S.F. traffic tickets? (1-16)

+++ New buying rules should end $1.l7 M toilets (1-12)

+++ Supervisor: Increase arrests, detox for users (1-6)

+++ 5 UC campuses reach deal over Gaza protests (12-22-24)

+++ Transphobic apparel the new hotness (1-3)                           

S.C.Scent Anal (Sentinel) Stories

+++ Law may help tenants stay in homes (12-25-24)

+++ Guest Commentary by Stephen Zunes: Panetta’s rejection of rule of law (1-25)

+++ 22 States sue to Stop Trump’s order blocking birthright citizenship (1-22)

+++  L.A. Fires could Exacerbate Homelessness Crisis (1-19)

+++ San Jose: City Cracks down on RV Parking: Stretch of Chynoweth Ave. that had vehicles parked last week is cleared. (1-19)                                   

S.J. Mercury Stories

+++ Stanford drops case vs. student journalist in Gaze Protest case (1-25)

+++  Kentucky Judge scraps Title X rules expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students (1-10)

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday Jan 26, 2025 show is Flashback to April 27, 2008 and includes many street interviews + 4-20 celebrations and military recruitment resistance at UCSC

The January 26, 2025 Show includes:  

  • Upcoming sweeps and freeze alert—limited emergency shelter 
  • Reports of recent second-hand accounts of over-policing

The Flashback to April 27, 2008. It includes:  

  • Flash within a Flash to June 28, 1988—Norse, Rocky Stone, others are Laird City Council’s Oral Communications
  • Suzanne, “Buffalo” Razor Ray, Danny on dealings with Chief Ranger Wallace
  • Phone calls from near and far: Horsewoman and German Nick F.and Jhond Golder on speaking legal sense to illegal “no parking” signs.
  • WAMM’s April 20 Walnut lot Shin-Dig behind Bad-Ass Coffee
  • Bad-Law Buster David Busch from Ontario Tent City
  • Guitarist C.J. Stock recently out of the hospital

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, show Flashes back to April 20, 2008 with many Micah Posner & Ed Davidson on the hit-and-run killing of Chris Rock on Mission St. + Mayor Coonerty’s new Council censorship

Bathrobespierre’s Broadside’s Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, show  Flashes back to April 20, 2008  with Micah Posner & Ed Davidson on the hit-and-run killing of Chris Rock on Mission St. + Mayor Coonerty’s new Council  censorship

The January 23, 2025 show is a Flashback to April 2008.  It includes:

  • [throughout] songs from the satirical Uncle Bansai group
  • In-studio guests Platypus, Utah, and Goat tell of the service dog standoff
  • Mayor Clampdown Ryan Coonerty’s new Administrative agenda speech restrictions
  • Mama Shannon aka Mrs. B. and Bert Glick’s poetry.
  • Julie and doggie Duchess
  • 4:20 grass festivities
  • Chief Ranger Wallace’s depredations.
  • Shane Maxfield’s audio on Metro Guard probs
  • UCSC Social Worker vendor and SAW (Students Against War) report.
  • Micah Posner and others on the hit-and-run of bicyclist Chris Rock

Shiver in the cold, then huddle in the warmth: HUFF meets 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Thursday 1-23 at Sub Rose Cafe next to the Bike Church 703 Pacific Ave.

PRE MEETING PROTEST FOR ANY INTERESTED:  HANDS OFF SUMMER !  Rally Thursday Jan 23 Noon at Science and Engineering Library Plaza at UCSC,   March to Kerr Hall ! Two under grad students were suspended for Palestinian advocacy last year + a grad worker fired for going on strike for Palestine! 

Rough Suggestions & Reminders for next HUFF sit-down 1-23-25

Apologies to HUFFsters for the likely absence of Robert and Gloria from the 1-23 Thursday meeting  We are likely still  down for the count with some unclear ailment (lots of sneezing and coughing).  These Agenda suggestions are only intended as possible guidelines.  Athena, Gaia, and the HUFFsters, of course, have the final word.

Underlined  links are for background reading.   Many others items are really signposts & reminders of where we’d be going if and when we find the person power, time, interest, and resources.  We are gathering information and evidence to challenge the Dominant (False) Narrative.  Organize! If anyone has questions, please raise them. AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

                                       Top of the Agenda (Quick Announcements)

++++   Passarounds:  Agenda, perhaps.

++++   Street reports from the last week. 

++++   Jan 20th Martin Luther King Day parade lookback (also Trump Inauguration Day) & possible Gaza ceasefire 

++++   Rebele Family Shelter’s Eviction of family with motel accomoodation to run out on Friday.

++++   New Scent-Anal reporter on local homeless beat(?)

++++   Response to Police Abuse:

++++   Following up on Google number  216-8238 with regular report provider.
++++   Additions and Suggestions for Thomas’s TipZine…  Follow-up’s.

++++   Possible Small Claims Court Follow-Up

++++   Possible Armory Revisit; Dreamcatcher visit  Info from People First Staff?  Cat?  Avi

++++   Berkeley Where Did They?—gone from Old City Hall

++++    Jan 14 Shitty Council and Stupervisers reports?  Upcoming 28th Chatter-thons.

++++   Helga: Sweeps at Coral St…, at Library, and elsewhere…?  Library activists gone missing?  Cops downtown?

++++   No New Street Spirits  and Street Sheets available  Hard Copies of earlier issues may be available at 903 Pacific and at the Food Not Bombs Saturday/Sunday meals at Town Clock—ask Drew  Contact Street Spirit and Street Sheet to submit local stories & news accounts

++++   Are Gaza protests continuing as ceasefire may stall…

++++   Chilling Reports from emergency weather shelters:  The usual crowded often full non-emergency winter shelter only when temps drop below 38 degrees or flood warnings run by “People First” + Brent’s Warming Wednesdays 12-3 PM at 150 Felker St.

++++  People First Free Guides:  for S.C., Watsonville, SLV, Free Phones, Youth, Housing Waitlist, Pet Food, Addiction, Immigrant Storm Relief, SLE, Diaper Bank, and more (unchecked for usefulness)
++++ SC Free Guide  (Correction and checking badly needed)

++++  No rules or procedures posted, no waiting list length for 1220 River St., 115 Coral St., or People’s First RV and Armory Programs on the SC Free Guide.  Request written guidelines.

RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS including Regular Check-In’s, Older Stores. Possible Future Action Items, Signposts Against the Nasty New Narrative, Archived Net-Show Access, Still Older Resources & News  (the full HUFF blog) .  FOR MORE DETAILS CHECK THE RESOURCES AND PROSPECTS SECTION AT 

Random   New (to us, but dated) Articles, Videos &  Resources                               S.F Chronicle Stories

+++ Barnes v. Felix court case may bring U.S. “moment of threat” lethal force use into line with international “totality of circumstances, necessary and proportionate” standard (1-22)

+++  Activists look to halt use of Alien Enemies Act of 1798 (detaining 17,000 Japanese, 11,000 Germans, and 3000 Italian nationals in WWII (1-15)

+++ Starbucks ends open-door welcome policy (1-15)

+++ State’s federal courts likely to stay liberal (1-15)

+++ New buying rules should end $1.l7 M toilets (1-12)

+++ Supervisor: Increase arrests, detox for users (1-6)

+++ 5 UC campuses reach deal over Gaza protests (12-22-24)

+++ Transphobic apparel the new hotness (1-3)                           

S.C.Scent Anal (Sentinel) Stories

+++ Law may help tenants stay in homes (12-25-24)

+++ Community mourns longtime Sentinel report Jessica York (1-14)

+++ Biden misses chance to finally close Guantanamo prison (1-11)

+++ Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office:  Public weighs in on watchdog report (10-30-24)

+++ U.S. homelessness up 18% as affordable housing out of reach (12-28-25)

                                   S.J. Mercury Stories

+++ Rochester, NY, Lawsuit: Guards ‘casually’ beat inmate to death (1-16)

+++ FDA proposes making cigarettes less addictive with a cap on nicotine (1-16)

+++ 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre—300 killed in by White mob in “coordinated, military-style attack” (1-12)

+++  Enforcement on RV encampments starts: city creates 30 temporary tow-away zones (1-10)

+++  Kentucky Judge scraps Title X rules expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students (1-10)

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Sunday Jan 19, 2025 show is Flashback to January 27, 2008 and covers the struggle to support the Farmer’s Market Drum Circle against SCPD repression

The January 19, 2025 Show is a Flashback to January 27, 2008. 

It includes:

++++More contemporary accounts available at: (Taking Back the Tarmac–Santa Cruz Reclaims People’s Parking Lot #4)   See also  (Beat It!  This is Our Parking Lot) and  the earlier (ALERT: Drummers Being Hassled at Farmer’s Market).

++++  Intro and commentary on the Drum Circle struggle (“Taking Back the Tarmac”) by Bathrobespierre Robert and Troublesome Thomas.

++++   Audio interviews and narrative at the Circle: Jade, Mary’s arrest, Tim Rinker, Bob Pickenpa, Suzanne, 

++++   Bumbloodier Baskett’s new “thou shalt not sleep” policy.

++++   [1-26] Bob P.’s arrest account where his finger broken  ++++   Spook and Mandy on fake LSD sales, [9-12-07] Jason Pasquel, Shane vs. Ranger Wallace,

++++   Community TV programmer and former Citizens Police Review Board Mark Halfmoon on Triple-Fine Zone Behavior in Halloween 2007. 

++++    Brian Parquette on SCPD violation of Measure K

++++    George Carlin’s expanded “7 Dirty Words” Routine

Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Thursday, January 16, 2025, show Flashes back to February 17, 2008 featuring Phil Baer on the early Dolphin-Lee (Nueva Vista) struggle, San Diego Rose interview, and David Silva’s Sleep Fast Organizing

The Thursday January 16, 2025 show is a Flashback to February 17, 2008 and features:

  • Prop 21 (criminalizing youth 14+ as thought they were adults) and Judge Akao’s anti-21 speech
  • Rose, San Diego Street Light writer, on the killing of homeless William Anthony Miller, Jr. 
  • San Jose cops arrest 23 of us at City Hall by Mayor Ron Gonzalez under Community Homeless Alliance Minister [CHAM]
  • “Dead-on” David Silva presses Rolling Sleepfast, weekly Press Conference, Council call-in
  • Wanda C. Knight back on 5-31-98 punished by Boardwalk Seaside Security Guards, now facing 11 car stops in 6 weeks in Felton.
  • Bathrobespierre’s 1st visit to Dolphin-Lee in 1 ½ year after City sent in inspectors; landlord Phil Baer’s reaction to complaints.
  • Baer’s call stop demolishing 63 units of affordable housing for 50 units at a price that consumes next 5 years of affordable housing $
  • Attorney Ed Frey on “merciless” Mercy Housing in Soquel mobile home park relocation for 6 months—tax dodge for rich Catholics