Free Radio Santa Cruz Update

While Free Radio Santa Cruz is still on the stream and on the air, because we have lost our studio space and are still searching for another ($500 reward still!), we’ll be playing pre-recorded shows.  In my case, until I learn how to prepare shows via computer, these will be old Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides shows.

Thursday 10-1 the show will be a replay of an ancient 2004 show (selected somewhat randomly).  Specifically, the November 4th show of that year.  Which can also be heard at .

You can also hear a variety of shows (hundreds, in fact) by going to .

I’ll hope to be more selective until I can actually return to the air live or create and upload audio files that are more up-to-the-moment.  Patience, faithful listeners.

Offers of help are welcome.

Robert Norse