Future of Free Radio Santa Cruz’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides


Free Radio Santa Cruz, which carries my twice-weekly show Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides, is still broadcasting at 101.3 FM in Santa Cruz and freakradio.org.

However we are not live because we haven’t found studio space.  There’s still a $500 reward for anyone who can find us a place that we negotiate a year’s lease on in the Santa Cruz area.  And our transmitter needs a space, since, as for the last few years, it’s at a foreclosed location and may be forced to close down any time with only a week or two notice.

Older shows (hundreds of them) are available for addicts at http://radiolibre.org/brb/   Real old shows can be found at http://huffsantacruz.org/archivemain.html for all you old oldtimers.  Most of the shows at both sites lack descriptions, so you’ll have to spin through the audio files to find the content.  Those that have them are at http://www.huffsantacruz.org/brb-descriptions.html .

Today’s show will air at the usual time (and hopefully Sunday’s too), but it will be a repeat of last week’s (or an older show).  I  haven’t yet mastered the technical expertise to post my own shows to the FRSC server, but hope to learn soon.

Much thanks to all you listeners out there over the years (and hopefully in future years).

For those who have questions, show ideas, events to announce, or reports from the street–call me at 831-423-4833 or e-mail me at rnorse3@hotmail.com .

Robert Norse

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