HUFF Agenda Prospects 9-16-20
Recent Netcast Norse (“Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides”) Shows:
+++ 9-10 Covers: Latest Street Spirit article on no escape from Smoke for Those Outside–; — No Tents for the S.F. Sidewalk Dwellers–8-18 Latinx Vendors at City Hall Part 1; J.C. Orton, Berkeley Samaritan, on the Bay Area Scene; Alica Kuhl Interview
9-13 Covers: Latinx
Vendors at City Hall, Part 2; Speeches at Cynthia Mathews’ house;
Councilman-in-exile Chris Krohn interview;
Angry Recall Politics and Retribution Along the Levee; national stories about Police Violence and Discrimination;
Much of the 9-2 HUFF meeting with updates from Nick, Fox,
Alicia, Keith, & Robert; August interview with George Carvalho, SC
Patient Advocate on 5150 Hearings.
More details at
at under 9/13
Recent Police/Council Abuses Unanswered
- Silence on Police Defunding; Signs still up at Swanton & Delaware; Homeless vehicles still held; SCPD property hours unchanged; vendor restrictions still on
Agenda Notions for Discussion or Action:
- Bulletin Board Summary
- Alicia & Keith Reports
- Seaside, Watsonville, and Salinas Phone in Reports
- Street Reports: Downtown Bathroom Closures
- Looming Eviction Threat: Reports on Tenant Flight
- Forced Drugging—the Riess Protection Update: Carvalho’s interview;
- Street Reports on other encampments beyond the Benchlands,. Hiway 1, Levee
- Flushing Out Homeless from the Pogonip: Bernal’s Expanded Enforcement Powers
- Health status & testing availability of folks in the group shelters, Project Roomkey
- Direct Action Protest as part of BLM movement for unhoused outside residents
- The Upcoming S.C. Shitty Council Race: Alicia Kuhl’s Candidacy & Endorsements:
- Food Not Bombs and Union of the Homeless Reports
- St. Francis Soup Kitchen & Other Coffee Shop, Business Discrimination
- Olive and Delaware Street Status Updates
- Sacramento lawsuit outcome;
- Impact of Fire Refugee Arrivals & Discriminatory Treatment of Local Homeless
- Norse’s Bathrobespierre’s Broadsides Shows at .