While other counties have been using federal and state funding to
house vulnerable homeless people, Santa Cruz has not–in any appreciable
numbers. While the broader community is directed to shelter in place
and not gather in groups larger than 10, homeless
“shelters” unsafely cram folks into one or two rooms. I asked specific
questions and got unsatisfactory answers.
On Friday April 10th, after a massive outbreak of COVID-19 in two
San Francisco shelters, health professionals held a Press Conference
demanding motel/hotel shelters immediately:
On Friday April 17th, I e-mailed a letter to city officials and health
workers including Mayor Cummings and City Manager Bernal asking a series
of questions.
On Saturday April 18th, Mayor Cummings responded by forwarding me the
city latest “update” which answered almost none of the questions and
indicated no intention of stepping up any attempt to house even the more
vulnerable homeless people in any numbers.
I followed up with a letter urging more information. (reprinted below)
On Saturday April 18th, Governor Newsom called on all counties not using the FEMA and roomkey funding to do so immediately:
https://www.facebook.com/fox5sandiego/videos/533233420715199/ See also
I’ve done several netshows (4-12, 4-16, and 4-19) on the subject, which can be found at
http://www.huffsantacruz.org/Lostshows.html .
Today Alicia Kuhl of the Santa Cruz Homeless Union and Keith McHenry of
Food Not Bombs announced a Physical Distancing Picket noon tomorrow 4-20
outside the Hampton Inn next to Denny’s at 1505 Ocean St to demand the
City and County authorities follow the CDC/Newsom
The HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) members I’ve contacted support this protest. I and others will be there.